应用生态风险评价中的物种敏感性分布(species sensitivity distributions,SSD)方法构建了8种常见重金属元素(As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Hg、Mn、Pb、Zn)对海洋生物的SSD曲线。在此基础上计算了8种重金属对海洋生物的5%危害浓度(HC5)及其不同暴露浓度对海洋生物的潜在影响比例(PAF),比较了海洋脊椎动物和无脊椎动物对8种重金属的敏感性以及不同重金属的急性生态风险。结果表明,重金属对甲壳类的生态风险均比鱼类大。8种重金属元素对所研究的海洋生物全部物种的HC5 值的排序为Pb > Mn > Zn > Cr > Cu > Hg > Cd > As。暴露浓度小于10μg·L-1时,Cr和Hg的生态风险差异不大。在10μg· L-1的暴露浓度下,As、Cd、Cu和Hg均使全部物种中超过10%的生物受到影响。随着浓度升高,不同重金属的生态风险有不同幅度的增大,当浓度达到1 000μg·L-1时,分别有82.49%、87.31%和85.90%的物种受到As、Cu和Hg的损害。不同生物的敏感性顺序会随重金属的浓度范围发生变化。
Species sensitivity distributions (SSD) method was used to assess the ecological risk of eight heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Pb, Zn) to marine organisms. The acute toxicity data (LC50or EC50) were collected from ECOTOX database and SSD curves were fitted based on BurrIII function. The acute ecological risks of the heavy metals and the sensitivity of different marine species (vertebrate and invertebrate) to these heavy metals were compared by the hazardous concentrations for 5% of the species (HC5) and the potential affected fractions (PAF). The ecological risk of all heavy metals to crustaceans was higher than to fishes. The HC5values of the eight heavy metals were in the order:Pb > Mn > Zn > Cr > Cu > Hg > Cd > As. When exposure concentration was lower than 10μg·L-1, no significant differences in the ecological risks of Cr and Hg was observed. However, As, Cd, Cu and Hg exceeded the threshold of 10% (PAF) at the exposure level of 10μg·L-1. The ecological risks of different heavy metal had different growth rate. When exposure concentration came up to 1 000μg·L-1, 82.49%, 87.31% and 85.90% of marine species would be affected by As, Cu and Hg, respectively. The order of sensitivity of marine species to heavy metals varied with different concentration of heavy metals.