为了研究环丙沙星对作物的毒性效应,为其可能对农业生产带来的风险提供评价依据,采用急性毒性实验方法,研究了环丙沙星对3种作物(玉米、萝卜和小白菜)种子发芽、根伸长及芽伸长的影响。结果表明,在环丙沙星作用下,3种作物的根伸长抑制率和芽伸长抑制率与药物浓度显著相关(P < 0.05),发芽抑制率与药物浓度不相关(P > 0.05);药物对根伸长及芽伸长的抑制高于对种子发芽的抑制;环丙沙星对玉米、萝卜和小白菜的根伸长和芽伸长的ID50(抑制率为50%时污染物浓度)分别为7.97、2.51、1.48 mg·kg-1和11.23、2.90、1.95 mg·kg-1,3种作物在环丙沙星的胁迫下,其敏感性顺序为:小白菜 > 萝卜 > 玉米。
To study the toxic effects of ciprofloxacin (CPFX) on crops and provide risk assessment on agricultural production, toxic effects of CPFX on seed germination and the elongation of root and shoot of corn, radish and Chinese cabbage were investigated using acute toxicity test. Results showed that there was a dose-response relationship between the concentration of CPFX and the inhibitory rate of crop root elongation and shoot elongation (P < 0.05), but no correlation was found between the concentration of CPFX and the inhibitory rate of crop seed germination (P > 0.05). The inhibitory effect of CPFX on root and shoot elongation was much stronger than those on seed germination. ID50(the concentration when the inhibitory rate reached 50%) of CPFX on root and shoot elongation of corn, radish and Chinese cabbage, were 7.97, 2.51, 1.48 mg·kg-1 and 11.23, 2.90, 1.95 mg·kg-1, respectively, which meant that the sensitivity of CPFX on the three crops was:Chinese cabbage > radish > corn.