- 中国地质大学(武汉)环境学院生物地质与环境地质国家重点实验室, 武汉 430074
- 砷 /
- 地球化学 /
- 大同盆地 /
- 地下水
摘要: 为弄清大同盆地地下水中影响砷的迁移、富集的主要地球化学与生物地球化学过程,为区域供水安全提供指导作用,针对高砷地下水系统开展了水文地球化学与含水层沉积物全岩地球化学研究;并在此基础上探讨了研究区高砷地下水成因。结果表明,研究区高砷地下水为偏碱性、强还原环境,砷含量为0.31~452 μg·L-1,主要以砷酸盐形式存在,地下水中砷与三价铁的浓度有显著的相关性。高砷含水层沉积物中有机质、铁与砷含量表现出显著相关性。以上结果说明,碱性还原环境有利于地下水中砷的富集;微生物参与下,沉积物相有机质的氧化和Fe氧化物/氢氧化物的还原过程是本区高砷地下水形成的主控因素。
Hydrochemical and Geochemical Investigations on High Arsenic Groundwater from Datong Basin, Northern China
- State Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology, School of Environmental Studies, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China
- Received Date:
Fund Project:
Abstract: To understand the geochemical and biogeochemical process influencing the mobilization and enrichment of arsenic in groundwater of Datong Basin, as well as to provide a guideline to the security of regional water supply, the studies were carried out on the hydrochemical and geochemical process using high-arsenic groundwater and aquifer sediment samples. The results indicate that the high arsenic groundwaters mainly present alkaline and strong reducing environment. Arsenic concentration ranged from 0.31 to 452 μg·L-1and arsenate was the dominant species of arsenic. A positive correlation can be observed between concentration of dissolved Fe and that of As in the groundwater samples. Moreover, there is a significant positive correlation between the content of As and ferric and organic matters (LOI) in sediment samples. Alkaline and strong reducing environment is favorable for the enrichment of As in the Datong groundwater. Microbial catalyzed oxidation of organic matters and reduction of iron oxides/hydroxides were the major factors controlling the occurrence of high As groundwater in the study area.