Bioaccumulation and Risk Assessment of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in the Common Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) from an Electronic Waste Recycling Site in South China
摘要: 粗犷的电子垃圾拆解活动已造成当地野生生物多氯联苯(PCBs)严重污染,但PCBs在野生鸟类中的生物累积特征及潜在的毒害作用研究较少。本研究采集了广东省某电子垃圾拆解地翠鸟(Alcedo atthis)及其食物(各种小型鱼类)样品,研究翠鸟对PCBs的累积特征、生物放大效应及毒性风险。翠鸟肌肉中PCBs中值含量为220 µg·g-1脂重,比其他报道值高1~3个数量级。计算的生物放大因子(BMF)显示,大部分PCB单体的BMF值都大于1,表明翠鸟对PCBs具有生物放大效应。计算的共面PCBs毒性当量(TEQs)范围为39~23 600 pg·g-1湿重,已经达到或超过了影响某些鸟类生殖或发育障碍的报道值。上述结果表明,电子垃圾拆卸活动已经造成了当地翠鸟PCBs严重污染,PCBs污染物对电子垃圾拆解地翠鸟及其它野生生物的毒性效应尚需进一步研究。Abstract: The wildlife from electronic waste (e-waste) sites have been heavily polluted by polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), due to the primitive e-waste recycling activities. However, information on the bioaccumulation and the toxic effects of PCBs in wild avian species from e-waste sites is limited. In the present study, we investigated the levels and congener profiles of PCBs in the common kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) from an e-waste recycling site in Guangdong Province, South China. Additionally, PCBs in the diet items including three fish species collected from the same sampling site were also examined, to evaluate the potential biomagnification of PCBs in the common kingfisher. Finally, we assessed the potential toxic effects of PCBs to these birds by estimating the toxic equivalent quantity (TEQ) of the co-planar PCBs. Elevated PCB residues (median=220 µg·g-1 lipid weight for total PCBs) were detected in the kingfishers, which were one to three orders of magnitude higher than the values previously reported in the species from other sampling sites. The calculated predator/prey biomagnification factors (BMFs) were greater than unity for most of the PCB congeners examined, suggesting biomagnification of these chemicals in the common kingfisher. The TEQ concentrations estimated in the common kingfisher ranged from 39 to 23 600 pg·g-1 wet weight, with some of these values reaching or exceeding the levels known to impair bird reproduction and survival. Our results revealed that the common kingfisher from the e-waste recycling site has been heavily contaminated by PCBs. The need for further examination is warranted to determine the potential adverse effects resulting from the PCBs exposure, in the common kingfishers and other wildlife that are habitants of e-waste sites.
Key words:
- polychlorinated biphenyls /
- bird /
- bioaccumulation /
- biomagnification /
- electronic waste

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