着生藻类是河流水生生物群落的重要组成部分,其与栖境水环境因子有着紧密的关联性。国内外关于着生藻类群落与栖息地环境因子关系的研究多是通过多元统计分析,评价影响着生藻类群落时空分布的环境要素,这种定性分析仅能判断环境驱动因子,而无法精确定量着生藻类群落与环境因子(如氮、磷)的响应关系。本研究以辽宁省太子河为范例,基于3次全流域的水生态调查所获得的141个站位的生态数据,运用临界指示物种分析法(TITAN)和加权平均回归分析(WA),定量评价着生藻类群落与河流水环境中氮、磷营养盐的定量响应关系(最适值和阈值)。结果表明,采用TITAN在太子河共确定了22种总氮(TN)指示物种,其中,13种为负响应物种,9种为正响应物种。TN负响应指示种中,普通等片藻(Diatoma vulgare)为出现频数较高的物种;TN正响应指示种中,小片菱形藻(Nitzschia frustulum)出现的频数最高。TITAN确定的太子河流域总磷(TP)指示物种为19种,其中,9种为负响应物种,10种为正响应物种。TP指示种中,负响应种近缘桥弯藻(Cymbella affinis)出现频数最高,TP指示种所对应的正响应突变点中,小片菱形藻和急尖舟形藻(Navicula cuspidata)出现频数最高。总体上看,太子河TN和TP对着生藻类最适值范围分别为0.025~0.47 mg·L-1和0.65~12.14 mg·L-1,直链藻属(Melosira)和菱形藻属(Nitzschia)的种类,适宜栖息于TP较高的水环境中;异极藻属(Gomphonema)和桥弯藻属(Cymbella)适宜栖息于TP较低的水环境中;裸藻属(Euglena)和菱形藻属(Nitzschia)适宜栖息于TN较高的水环境中;而桥弯藻属和舟形藻属(Navicula)适宜栖息于TN较低的水环境中。通过定量分析水环境因子氮、磷对着生藻类群落的最适值和阈值,可以相对准确地评估着生藻类群落与河流营养盐含量的定量响应关系,对于在太子河开展对氮、磷等典型营养物的流域“污染物”排放的总量控制等流域生态管理决策和环境保护提供基础数据和科学依据。
Periphyton is an important part of aquatic communities in rivers and is closely related to habitat water environment factors. This relationship is commonly studied using multivariate statistical analysis. The environmental elements of algal colonies can affect their space-time distribution. However, qualitative analysis can only judge the driving environmental factor, whereas a quantitative analysis can provide accurate information on the relationship between the algal colony and environmental factors (such as nitrogen, phosphorus). This study was based on three entire river basins and investigated 141 stations in Taizi River, Liaoning Province. The quantitative evaluation of the response of the algal colony to nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients (optimum value and threshold) was conducted by thresholds indicator taxa analysis (TITAN) and weighted averaging. Twenty-two indicator species of total nitrogen (TN) were identified by TITAN in the Taizi River basin, among which 13 were negative and 9 were positive response species. Navicula placentula had the highest TN threshold value of 3.68 mg·L-1 among the negative response species. When the TN content of water reached 3.68 mg·L-1, most of the periphyton communities no longer produced a significant threshold response except for Navicula placentula. Euglena caudata was the species with the highest TN threshold value of 8.70 mg·L-1 for a positive response. When the TN content of water reached 8.70 mg·L-1, most of the periphyton no longer produced a significant threshold response except for Euglena caudata. Among the 19 total phosphorus (TP) index species identified by TITAN in the Taizi River basin, 9 were negative and 10 were positive response species. The negative response species, Cymbella affinis, had the highest TP threshold value of 0.06 mg·L-1, and when the TP content of water reached 0.06 mg·L-1, most of the periphyton communities no longer produced a significant threshold response except for Cymbella affinis. The highest positive response was for Melosira granulata with a TP threshold value of 0.19 mg·L-1. When the TP content of water reached 0.19 mg·L-1, most of the periphyton communities no longer produced a significant threshold response except for Melosira granulata. Moreover, the optimal range of TN and TP for the periphyton was 0.025~0.47 mg·L-1 and 0.65~12.14 mg·L-1, respectively, in the Taizi River basin. Melosira and Nitzschia are suitable for living in water environments with high TP, whereas Gomphonema and Cymbella are suitable for living in those with low TP. Euglena and Nitzschia are suitable for living in water environments with high TN, while Cymbella and Navicula are suitable for living in those with low TN. Through quantitative analysis of the relationship between the algal colony and water environmental factors (nitrogen and phosphorus), we can accurately evaluate the relationship between the algal colony and nutrient content in the Taizi River basin. This study can provide basic data for management decisions and a scientific basis for environmental protection by controlling emissions of nitrogen, phosphorus, and other pollutants.