Progress on Antibacterial and Biosafety Research of Graphene Oxide
Abstract:Graphene oxide is a graphene derivative with abundant oxygen-containing functional groups on its surface. It has a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice structure similar to that of graphene, which leads to its electrical, optical, and mechanical properties and a good biocompatibility. Graphene oxide has been widely used in many fields, such as materials science, biomedicine, and drug delivery. Due to the increasing production and usage of graphene oxide products, this chemical is substantially accumulated in air, water, and soil, which undoubtedly increases the possibility of direct human contact. Therefore, the biosafety of graphene oxide has been brought to the public’s attention. By using microorganisms, terrestrial organisms, and aquatic organisms as three main categories, this paper reviewed recent studies about the toxic effects of graphene oxide on those organisms and summarized the mechanisms of the respective toxicities. Further, we compared the effects of different living environments on the toxicity to plants and animals. This paper, hopefully, can reveal the biosafety of graphene oxide more comprehensively and provide a reference to the safe dosage and functional application of graphene oxide.
Key words:
- graphene oxide /
- antibacterial /
- biological safety
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