The Removal and Risk Assessment of Antibiotics in Livestock Environment
摘要: 抗生素作为饲料添加剂广泛应用于畜禽养殖业,造成养殖环境抗生素大量蓄积,尤其是在畜禽粪便中,长期的积累不仅污染养殖场内土壤环境,残留的抗生素还会随畜禽粪便进入周边水体及农田环境,威胁农作物及人体健康。目前,国内相关研究主要集中在抗生素的降解工艺及降解规律方面,而对其去除效率的影响因素及风险评价研究相对较少。笔者综述了国内外抗生素的降解转化及去除方式等的研究进展,并概述了抗生素在畜禽环境中的生态风险评估的研究现状,为抗生素的高效去除、风险预估及畜禽粪便资源化安全利用提供理论基础和技术支撑。Abstract: Antibiotics are widely used in the livestock husbandry, which cause the antibiotic accumulation in livestock and poultry manure. Long-term accumulated antibiotics pollute the soil in the farm, while the residual antibiotics enter the surrounding water and farmland soil when disposing the animal manure, leading to an adverse impact on human and plant health. Although previous work focused on the degradation process and mechanism of antibiotics, the influence factors of antibiotic removal and related risk assessment have not been well studied. In this review, we summarized the research progress of studies on the degradation and transformation of antibiotics, and the risk assessment of antibiotic pollution in the livestock environment. This review provides a theoretical basis and a technical support for the efficient removal of antibiotics, risk assessment and the safe application of livestock manure as the resource.
Key words:
- antibiotics /
- livestock manure /
- removal /
- influence factor /
- risk assessment
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