Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Pollution and Health Risks Associated with Solid Fuel Use in Rural Areas
摘要: 为了考察固体燃料使用导致的农村地区多环芳烃污染现状,并评估其对居民造成的健康风险,在北方(山西太谷)和南方(四川南充)选取典型农村家庭,配对测定了农户室内外空气中28种多环芳烃浓度,分析了不同地区多环芳烃污染特征,并评估了居民的呼吸暴露风险。山西室内外多环芳烃浓度分别为(283.7±256.0)ng·m-3和(135.2±50.4)ng·m-3,四川室内外多环芳烃浓度分别为(163.4±132.8)ng·m-3和(87.6±46.2)ng·m-3,室内浓度显著高于室外浓度,室内外比值(I/O)分别为2.3和1.8,室内源是影响多环芳烃污染的主要因素。虽然,高环多环芳烃的质量浓度只占总浓度的13%~25%,但其毒性却占到总毒性的70%~89%,说明对高环多环芳烃应予以更多关注。使用蜂窝煤的家庭,其室内多环芳烃浓度要比用薪柴的低74%。通过对2个地区居民进行风险估算发现,山西和四川居民因为多环芳烃暴露的终身致癌风险分别为1.1×10-4和4.8×10-5,都高于可接受水平10-6,说明这2个地区具有较高的暴露风险,亟待关注。Abstract: To evaluate household polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) pollution and its health risk in rural areas associated with solid fuel use, typical rural families in northern (Taigu, Shanxi) and southern (Nanchong, Sichuan) China were selected and paired samples were collected to measure 28 kinds of PAHs in their indoor and outdoor air. The characteristics of PAHs pollution in different areas were analyzed and the inhalation exposure risk on residents was evaluated. The indoor and outdoor PAHs concentrations in Shanxi were (283.7±256.0) ng·m-3 and (135.2±50.4) ng·m-3, and in Sichuan were (163.4±132.8) ng·m-3 and (87.6±46.2) ng·m-3, respectively. The indoor PAHs concentration was significantly higher than the outdoor, and the indoor/outdoor ratios (I/O) were 2.3 and 1.8 in Shanxi and Sichuan, indicating the indoor source was the dominant influence factor on PAHs pollution. Although the mass concentration of PAHs with 5~6 rings only contributed 13%~25% to the total PAHs, the BaPeq of PAHs with 5~6 rings contributed 70%~89% to the total BaPeq, which indicates that more attention should be paid to PAHs with more rings. The indoor PAH concentration in households using briquette was 74% lower than those using wood. Based on the risk evaluation of residents in the two regions, the lifetime cancer risk of residents in Shanxi and Sichuan was 1.1×10-4 and 4.8×10-5 respectively, both higher than the acceptable level of 10-6, indicating that these two regions have a high exposure risk and need urgent attention.
Key words:
- polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons /
- rural area /
- health risk /
- household air pollution /
- solid fuels
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