Application and Prospect of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells in Risk Assessment of Environmental Pollutants
摘要: 在环境污染问题日益严峻的今天,人们亟需一套高效的毒理学评价体系来全面评估各类环境污染物的毒性效应和致毒机制,并阐明化合物结构与毒性效应之间的关系,进而指导安全化合物的合成。人多能干细胞(hPSCs)具有近乎无限的增殖能力和分化成所有成体细胞的潜能,近年来在毒理学的应用中崭露头角,显现出极大的应用潜力。由hPSCs分化而来的细胞可以代替原代细胞进行高通量的毒理学研究;hPSCs分化模型便于在体外研究环境污染物暴露对人体胚胎发育过程的毒性;基于hPSCs构建的类器官技术也使环境污染物的器官毒性研究成为可能。hPSCs在环境污染物风险评估中有很高的应用价值。Abstract: With environmental issues being increasingly serious, an efficient toxicology evaluation system is urgently needed to comprehensively evaluate the toxic effects of various environmental pollutants, reveal the toxic mechanism, discern the relationship between the structure and toxic effects of chemicals, and thus guide the synthesis of safe compounds. In recent years, the application of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) in toxicity research has emerged showing great potential. hPSCs possess almost unlimited proliferation ability and the potential to differentiate into all the cell types of the adult. Cells differentiated from hPSCs can replace primary cells for toxicity research and the experiments can be carried out in a high-throughput manner. The differentiation model of hPSCs can be used to study the developmental toxicity of environmental pollutants to human embryos in vitro. In addition, technology breakthroughs of iPSC-based organoid construction make it possible to study the organ toxicity of environmental pollutants. Therefore, hPSCs possess great practical value in risk assessment of environmental pollutants.
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