Research Progress on Current Status of Microplastics Pollution and Its Toxic Effects and Mechanisms
摘要: 微塑料(microplastics,MPs)作为一种新型的环境污染物近年来逐渐引起全世界的关注,除了对生态环境的影响,微塑料对生物体的毒性效应及其潜在的健康风险也日益成为环境领域的研究热点。本文基于已有研究,阐述微塑料的污染现况,总结微塑料进入机体的分布,归纳微塑料的生物毒性作用和机制,分析微塑料毒性效应的影响因素,并展望了未来的研究方向,为进一步开展微塑料的生物毒性效应、机制研究和健康风险评估提供科学线索和参考。Abstract: As a new type of environmental pollutant, microplastics have gradually attracted worldwide attention in recent years. In addition to its impact on the ecological environment, the toxic effects of microplastics on organisms and their potential health risks have increasingly become research hotspots in the environmental field. Based on the existing research, this article describes the current status of microplastics pollution, summarizes the biological toxicity effects and related mechanisms of microplastics, analyzes the factors affecting their toxic effects, and proposes the future research direction. Our review can provide scientific clues and references for further exploring the mechanisms of biological toxicity effects and health risk assessment of microplastics.
Key words:
- microplastics /
- status of pollution /
- toxic effects /
- mechanisms of action
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