Effects of Microplastic Pollution from Tire Wear on Growth of Rice at Tillering Stage
摘要: 随着汽车使用量的激增,由汽车轮胎磨损产生的大量轮胎磨损颗粒物(tire wear particles,TWP)引发的环境污染问题,日益受到人们重视。但关于TWP对植物生长影响的研究相对较少,其影响机制也尚不明确。本文以分蘖期水稻为受试植物,通过水培实验探究不同粒径(90、100、125、150和180 μm)、不同浓度(100、500和1 000 mg·L-1) TWP污染对植物生长的影响。结果表明,TWP对水稻生长的影响有明显的浓度效应,无显著的粒径效应。TWP污染对水稻地上部指标(根长、株高、根质量、叶质量等)和根系形态(根长、根表面积、平均直径、根体积、根尖数等)均具有明显的抑制作用。随着TWP浓度升高,叶绿素含量先被促进后被抑制,CAT活性先被促进后被抑制;TWP污染促进水稻根和叶SOD活性,但抑制根系活力和根POD活性,且浓度越高抑制效果越显著;当TWP浓度为100 mg·L-1时,所有处理组水稻叶POD活性均被抑制,而在TWP浓度为500 mg·L-1时,对所有处理组水稻叶POD活性均产生促进作用,当TWP浓度为1 000 mg·L-1时,促进效果有所减弱。可见,轮胎磨损颗粒显著改变水稻的抗氧化酶活性,同时诱导水稻根胁迫反应,通过植物根系和叶的氧化-抗氧化系统诱导应激反应。Abstract: With the proliferation of automobile use, the environmental pollution problem caused by the large amount of tire wear particles (TWP) generated by the wear of automobile tires has received increasing attention. However, there are relatively few studies on the effects of tire wear particles on plant growth, and the mechanism of their effects is still unclear. In this paper, we used rice at the tillering stage as the test plant, and investigated the effects of TWP pollution on plant growth with different particle sizes (90, 100, 125, 150 and 180 μm) and concentrations (100, 500, and 1 000 mg·L-1) through hydroponics experiments. The results showed that there was a significant concentration effect and no significant particle size effect of TWP on the growth of rice. TWP pollution had a significant inhibitory effect on aboveground indexes (root length, plant height, root weight, leaf weight, etc.) and root morphology (root length, root surface area, average diameter, root volume, number of apices, etc.) of rice. With the increase of TWP concentration, chlorophyll content was promoted and then inhibited, and CAT activity was promoted and then inhibited; TWP pollution promoted rice root and leaf SOD activity, but inhibited root vigor and root POD activity, and the higher the concentration, the more significant inhibition effect was; when the concentration of TWP was 100 mg·L-1, the leaf POD activity of rice in all the treatment groups was inhibited, and when the concentration of TWP was 100 mg·L-1, all the rice leaf POD activities were inhibited, while at a TWP concentration of 500 mg·L-1, all the rice leaf POD activities in all the treatment groups were promoted, and when the concentration of TWP was 1 000 mg·L-1, the promotion effect was weakened. It can be seen that tire wear particles significantly altered the antioxidant enzyme activities of rice, and at the same time induced the rice root stress response, which induced the stress response through the oxidative-antioxidant system of the plant root system and leaves.
Key words:
- tire wear particles /
- rice /
- oxidative damage /
- stress /
- photosynthesis /
- root vigor
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