水资源紧缺是全球面临的挑战,污水回用是缓解水资源紧缺的重要手段,而其中的关键问题是保障回用水质安全。污水回用主要包括生物处理工艺和深度处理工艺。生物处理主要去除氮、磷和有机物,常用的生物处理工艺包括厌氧好氧工艺(A/O),厌氧缺氧好氧工艺(A/A/O),膜生物反应器(MBR),UNITANK序批式活性污泥工艺和生物滤池等。深度处理工艺主要去除水中的微量有机污染物和杀灭水中的致病微生物,包括病原细菌、病毒及寄生虫卵等。目前污水回用中采用的深度处理工艺包括:氯、氯胺、二氧化氯、臭氧、紫外光照及紫外/过氧化氢等高级氧化(advanced oxidation process,AOP)工艺以及高铁酸盐、高锰酸盐等。
控制污水消毒过程中产生的DBPs是提高回用水水质安全的重要课题,目前对污水DBPs的控制手段主要包括前体物去除、消毒剂种类与投量控制,以及DBPs去除,本研究主要关注DBPs的前体物去除。污水中的有机物(effluent organic matters,EfOM)是DBPs的主要前体物,而因污水中的氨氮和EfOM含有的溶解性有机氮远远高于饮用水源,导致污水的消毒过程会产生大量的含氮的消毒副产物(N-DBPs)[12−13]。此外,污水中的无机离子,如溴离子在臭氧氧化过程中也会催化二甲基亚硝胺(N-Nitrosodimethylamine,NDMA)的生成[14]。
本研究旨在从污水回用角度出发,探究污水深度处理工艺对污水中消毒副产物及其前体物的去除效果。主要研究内容包括:(1)不同生物处理工艺(A/O,A/A/O,MBR,UNITANK,循环式活性污泥法(CAST), 氧化沟和生物滤池)对典型N-DBPs (包括亚硝胺类物质、卤乙腈和卤代硝基甲烷)的去除;(2)不同深度处理工艺(混凝沉淀,PAC,臭氧,二氧化氯,高铁酸盐氧化)对典型N-DBPs及其前体物的去除。
Study on the control of emerging nitrogenous disinfection by-products and precursors by biological and advanced treatment for wastewater reclamation
摘要: 典型含氮消毒副产物(N-DBPs, 包括亚硝胺、卤乙腈和三氯硝基甲烷)的控制是污水回用过程中需关注的重点。本研究对采用不同生物处理工艺的污水厂进行生化池进出水中N-DBPs的存在水平分析,并选取其中一个污水厂的二级出水进行不同深度处理(粉末活性炭吸附、臭氧氧化、高铁酸盐氧化、二氧化氯氧化),研究其对N-DBPs及其前体物的去除。结果表明,生物处理过程会导致亚硝胺的生成。深度处理工艺中,粉末活性炭会催化亚硝胺的生成,臭氧氧化则会直接生成亚硝胺。选择的深度处理工艺对亚硝胺前体物均有去除,其中粉末活性炭和二氧化氯对二甲基亚硝胺和总亚硝胺的控制效果较好。但氧化工艺对卤乙腈(HANs)和三氯硝基甲烷(TCNM)的前体物影响不一,高铁酸盐对两者的前体物均有显著去除,二氧化氯会增加污水在低浓度氯胺处理时HANs的生成,臭氧氧化则会增加TCNM在后氯胺化过程中的生成。研究结果推动了污水深度处理技术的发展并为相关研究提供了理论指导。Abstract: The control of typical nitrogenous disinfection by-products (N-DBPs, including nitrosamines, haloacetonitriles and trichloronitromethane) is a major concern in wastewater reuse. In this study, the presence levels of N-DBPs in the influent and effluent of biochemical treatment in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) with different biological treatment processes were analyzed. The secondary effluent of one of the WWTPs was selected to investigate the removal of N-DBPs and their precursors in different advanced treatments (powdered activated carbon adsorption, ozone oxidation, ferrate oxidation, and chlorine dioxide oxidation). The results showed that the biological treatment process resulted in the generation of nitrosamines. For the advanced treatment processes, powdered activated carbon (PAC) catalyzed the generation of nitrosamines, while ozone oxidation formed nitrosamines directly. The selected advanced treatment processes showed different degrees of removal of nitrosamine precursors, with PAC and chlorine dioxide providing better control of N-nitrosodimethylamine and total nitrosamines. However, the oxidation processes had mixed effects on the precursors of haloacetonitriles (HANs) and trichloronitromethane (TCNM). Ferrate (FeVI) showed significant removal of precursors of both HANs and TCNM, while chlorine dioxide increased the formation of HANs in the effluent treated with low concentration of chloramine. Ozonation increased the generation of TCNM during post-chloramination. The results promote the development of advanced wastewater treatment technologies and provide theoretical guidance for related research.
表 1 样点污水处理厂基本信息
Table 1. Basic information of wastewater treatment plants in the research
Number of wastewater
treatment plants污水处理能力(×104)/(m3·L−1)
Wastewater treatment
plant’s capacity采用的生物处理工艺
Biological treatment
Type of biological
treatmentsA 10 A/O 完全硝化 B 10 A/A/O 完全硝化 C 20 Unitank 部分反硝化 D 10 A/A/O 弱硝化 E 10 CAST 完全硝化 F 5 Carrousel 2000氧化沟 完全反硝化 G 3 生物滤池 完全硝化 H 10 A/A/O 部分硝化 MBR 完全硝化 注Note:完全硝化Good nitrification:NH3 < 2 mg·L−1(按N算,下同), NO2− < 1 mg·L−1, NO3− > 10 mg·L−1。部分硝化Partial nitrification:NH3: 2—9 mg·L−1, NO3−: 2—10 mg·L−1。弱硝化Poor nitrification:NH3 > 9 mg·L−1, NO2− < 1 mg·L−1, NO3− < 2 mg·L−1。完全反硝化:NH3 < 2 mg·L−1, NO2− < 1 mg·L−1, NO3− < 5 mg·L−1。部分反硝化Partial denitrification:NH3 < 2 mg·L−1, NO3−: 5—10 mg·L−1. 表 2 8间水厂生物池进水与出水的基本水质参数
Table 2. Water parameters of influent and effluent of biological treatment processes in 8 WWTPs
ProcesspH DOC/ (mg·L−1) NH3-N/(mg·L−1) Cl−/(µg·L−1) Br−/(µg·L−1) NO2−/(mg·L−1) NO3−/(mg·L−1) A1 A/O 7.3 14.5 19.8 21.0 196 0.0 4.4×10-4 A2 7.6 11.9 0.10 43.5 51.0 4.1×10-3 10 B1 A/A/O 7.2 28.0 15.7 11.8 61.6 0.0 5.2×10-4 B2 7.3 6.50 0.10 49.8 57.3 5.4×10-3 11 C1 UNITANK 7.4 11.2 10.3 27.9 48.0 7.5×10-2 6.4×10-3 C2 7.2 5.50 1.50 30.7 30.5 0.3 7.3 D1 A/A/O 7.3 16.8 21.7 63.0 50.7 3.1×10-3 0.0 D2 7.1 9.70 9.20 10.9 37.5 0.1 0.1 E1 CAST 7.3 23.5 14.5 28.0 45.6 3.8×10-3 0.0 E2 7.1 6.80 0.20 39.1 22.0 4.6×10-3 13 F1 Carrousel 2000 7.2 23.8 11.6 53.0 53.6 3.4×10-3 0.0 F2 7.4 8.40 0.20 44.3 30.1 1.9×10-3 3.0 G1 生物膜 7.5 9.50 6.20 34.0 56.1 0.3 6.6 G2 7.6 10.7 0.30 36.0 40.7 0.6 10 H1 MBR+
A/A/O7.8 22.7 23.6 47.1 60.9 8.3×10-3 5.3×10-4 H2 7.6 7.80 0.30 42.9 41.9 4.0×10-2 7.7 -
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