环境中重金属问题日趋严重,2020年《中国生态环境状况公报》中土壤污染状况详查结果显示,影响农用地土壤环境的主要污染物是重金属,其中镉为首要污染物[1]. 重金属具有不可降解性和高毒性等特点,不能被生物降解且具有生物累积性,被认为是重度污染物,可以直接威胁人类健康和生态安全[2]. 国内外学者对土壤、沉积物、水体(含地表和地下水体)和植物等不同介质中重金属的来源方式、迁移转化、环境风险、修复治理等展开研究[3-9]. 重金属来源方式主要有自然因素的岩石风化[10]、大气沉降[11]、沉积物释放[12]、河床岩石的化学浸出[13]等,也有来自人类活动的“三废”排放[14]、采矿冶炼[15]、农药化肥的使用[16]等. 但不同介质中重金属的来源方式不同,如土壤中的重金属受交通影响较大但沉积物受此影响较小. 重金属受大气沉降、降水入渗、地下水流动和植被等多种因素的影响,通过物理、化学或生物作用在不同介质体系中发生迁移转化[17-18],如土壤中的重金属通过降水入渗会解吸或溶解到水体中,水体中重金属在地下水流动的过程中也会吸附或沉积到土壤和沉积物中. 目前国内外学者对重金属研究较多集中在单一介质体系中[19-23],不能全面系统地了解土-水系统中重金属的来源方式和迁移转化,想要系统查清重金属的污染及来源需要从土-水介质系统角度进行综合研究. 系统研究重金属的分布特征和来源方式可为相关管理部门制定污染预测预警和防治管控措施提供理论依据和科学决策支撑.
抚河作为江西省第二大河流,是鄱阳湖的主要支流之一,整体流向由南向北,途径南昌县,汇入鄱阳湖[24]. 学者们对鄱阳湖流域多条支流、入湖口及鄱阳湖本身的重金属时空分布、来源分析、风险评价等内容进行了研究[25-32],但是抚河流域的相关研究较少. 周文斌等[33]对抚河南昌段底泥重金属进行研究,结果表明,研究区内底泥中重金属含量严重超标,并会对食物链构成重大威胁. 本课题组[34]对抚河南昌段水体中的7种重金属进行研究,结果表明,地表水中 V、Fe、Mn 的平均浓度均超过《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838-2002)的标准限值; 地下水中 As 平均浓度超过《地下水质量标准》(GBT14848-2017)Ⅲ类水质标准,表明抚河流域地表水体中存在重金属污染问题,但来源方式和迁移转化机制不明. 因此,本文选择抚河南昌段水体中重金属污染较严重的抚河周边典型地区,对土壤、沉积物、地表水和地下水进行采样测试分析,系统分析土-水系统中7种重(类)金属(As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb、Zn)的空间分布,采用相关性和主成分分析法分析土-水系统中重金属来源,为鄱阳湖流域的水资源管理和重金属污染防治提供理论参考意义.
Spatial distribution characteristics and sources analysis of heavy metal(loid)s in a water-soil system of Longtoushan area around the Fuhe River
摘要: 选择抚河南昌段水体中重金属污染较严重的抚河周边龙头山地区为研究区,于2021年6月共采集土壤样品16个,地表水及沉积物样品各5个,地下水样品4个,利用ICP-OES测试分析As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb、Zn等7种重(类)金属含量,采用反距离插值法研究土-水系统中重金属空间分布特征,进一步采用相关性分析和主成分分析进行重金属来源分析. 结果表明,重金属主要集中在土壤和沉积物中,其含量普遍高于上地壳金属浓度(UCC),与其他流域相比处于同一数量级水平;空间离散程度均属于中等变异程度,整体空间分布特征表现为抚河沿岸的重金属含量明显高于其他地方;邻近土壤和沉积物中采样点间重金属具有显著的相关性,邻近土壤/沉积物和地表水/地下水间无显著相关性;重金属Cu、Cr、Pb、Ni、Zn主要来源于自然因素中的岩石风化,As主要来源于工业污染,Cd则来源于工农业复合污染. 研究结果可为抚河流域土-水体系统中重金属来源分析和污染防治提供科学依据和理论支撑.Abstract: This study selected Longtoushan area around the Fuhe river where water body of Nanchang section was seriously polluted by heavy metals as the study area. A total of 16 soil samples, 5 surface water samples, 5 sediment samples and 4 groundwater samples were collected in June 2021. Contents of 7 heavy metal(loid)s (i.e., As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb、Zn) were quantified by ICP-OES, and spatial distributions of these metal(loid)s in soil-water system were delineated with an inverse distance interpolation method. Possible sources of heavy metal(loid)s were investigated by correlation analysis and principal component analysis. Results showed that heavy metal(loid)s were accumulated in soil and sediments, and their contents were generally higher than the values of the upper crust metal concentration (UCC), although they were in the same order of magnitude compared with other basins. Spatially, heavy metal(loid)s showed significantly higher contents along the Fuhe River as compared to other locations with a moderate spatial dispersion degree. There was a significant indigenous correlation between different heavy metal(loid)s concentrations in adjacent soil and sediment samples, while no significant indigenous correlation between adjacent soil/sediment and surface water/groundwater samples were observed. Heavy metals including Cu, Cr, Pb, Ni, and Zn were mainly derived from weathering of natural rocks. As came from industrial practices, and Cd was sourced from industrial and agricultural compound activities. The results will provide scientific basis and theoretical support for source analysis, and prevention and management of heavy metal(loid)s pollution in natural soil-water systems of the Fuhe river.
Key words:
- heavy metal /
- soil and water system /
- spatial distribution /
- source analysis /
- Fuhe River
表 1 鄱阳湖及其支流重金属含量统计(mg·kg−1)
Table 1. Statistics of heavy metal contents in Poyang Lake and its tributaries
MediumAs Cd Cr Cu Ni Pb Zn 参考文献
Poyang Lake土壤 0.75 41.56 31.06 23.52 35.85 115.72 [40] 沉积物 18.00 0.108 42.10 39.20 24.90 46.01 119.30 [40] 抚河
Fuhe River土壤 6.29 1.79 44.32 16.94 18.62 25.41 107.38 本文 沉积物 15.28 0.73 52.70 14.60 22.82 22.04 74.69 本文 信江
Xinjiang沉积物 22.5 1.67 104.0 77.8 57.5 176.1 [41] 赣江
Ganjiang沉积物 12.5 0.36 69.3 24.6 31.3 86.1 [42] 饶河
Rao River沉积物 18.39 1.86 35.19 51.92 35.83 179.67 [43] 修水
Xiu River沉积物 10.98 <0.45 40.94 7.00 <3.00 13.00 [18] 上地壳金属浓度
Upper Crust Concentrations1.50 0.10 35.00 25.00 20.00 17.00 71.00 [44-45] 表 2 邻近区域3种介质中重金属相关性分析
Table 2. Correlation analysis of heavy metals among three media in neighboring zone
Sample sitesSW1 SD1 S1 采样点
Sample sitesSW2 SD2 S2 SW1 1 SW2 1 SD1 −0.493 1 SD2 −0.129 1 S1 −0.421 0.958** 1 S2 −0.132 0.924** 1 采样点
Sample sitesSW3 SD3 S8 采样点
Sample sitesSW4 SD4 S12 SW3 1 SW4 1 SD3 −0.068 1 SD4 −0.138 1 S8 −0.177 0.933** 1 S12 −0.167 0.918** 1 注:** 在 0.01 级别(双尾),相关性极显著. * 在 0.05 级别(双尾),相关性显著.
Note:** Extremely Significant correlation at 0.01 level (two-tailed). * Significant correlation at 0.05 level (two-tailed)表 3 邻近区域2种介质中重金属相关性分析
Table 3. Correlation analysis of heavy metals between two media in neighboring zone
Sample sitesSW5 SD5 采样点
Sample sitesGW2 S5 采样点
Sample sitesGW3 S10 采样点
Sample sitesGW4 S15 SW5 1 GW2 1 GW3 1 GW4 1 SD5 −0.187 1 S5 −0.093 1 S10 −0.167 1 S15 −0.185 1 表 4 土壤-沉积物不同重金属间的相关性
Table 4. Correlation between different heavy metals in soil-sediment
ElementsAs Cd Cr Cu Ni Pb Zn As 1 Cd 0.523* 1 Cr 0.377 0.658** 1 Cu -0.077 0.484* 0.692** 1 Ni 0.418 0.555** 0.852** 0.618** 1 Pb -0.121 0.565** 0.510* 0.735** 0.390 1 Zn -0.296 0.351 0.478* 0.708** 0.301 0.706** 1 注: ** 在 0.01 级别(双尾),相关性极显著. * 在 0.05 级别(双尾),相关性显著.
Note: ** Extremely Significant correlation at 0.01 level (two-tailed). * Significant correlation at 0.05 level (two-tailed)表 5 土壤-沉积物重金属主成分分析结果统计
Table 5. Statistics for Principle component analysis results of heavy metals in soil-sediment
Heavy metal成分
Component1 2 As 0.029 0.875 Cd 0.665 0.536 Cr 0.862 0.316 Cu 0.842 -0.316 Ni 0.756 0.334 Pb 0.769 -0.343 Zn 0.711 -0.530 特征值 3.563 1.764 贡献率/% 50.903 25.195 累计贡献率/% 50.903 76.098 -
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