石油开采、冶炼、运输和使用过程中因渗漏、溢出排放的石油类污染物在土壤中累积,对土壤环境造成了严重的危害[1]。石油污染物的组分复杂,主要包括脂肪烃、芳香烃、胶质和沥青质,普遍具有强疏水性,且含有大量的致癌、致畸类物质。石油污染物一旦进入土壤环境,可引起土壤的理化性质变化(如堵塞土壤孔隙、改变土壤有机质组成和结构等),进而改变甚至破坏土壤生态系统,其还会挥发到空气及向下迁移到地下水中威胁人类的健康[2-3]。我国勘探和开发的油田、油气田超过400个,分布在全国25个省、市、自治区,油田覆盖地区的面积超了3×105 km2,约占我国土地总面积的3%。其中,约有4.8×104 km2的土壤因受到石油勘探、开采、运输以及存储等过程的影响而被污染[4-5]。因此,亟需对石油污染土壤进行修复。
热脱附技术是通过直接或间接热交换,将土壤中的污染物加热至足够高的温度,使污染物从土壤中挥发或分离的过程。因其具有操作灵活、运行稳定、处理效率较高等优点而在有机污染土壤修复中被大量应用[6-9]。VIDONISH等[7]将人工配制石油污染土壤在420 ℃热处理3 h后,发现高沸点石油烃在低于沸点的温度下转化为类焦炭物质,去除污染物的同时提升了土壤肥力。LI等[8]在500 ℃对人工配制石油污染土壤热处理30 min时,土壤中总石油烃几乎完全去除。这些研究存在处理时间较长(3 h)或温度较高(500 ℃)的不足。另外,这些研究均采用人工配置石油污染土壤,与人工配置石油污染土壤相比,实际石油污染土壤由于自然风化作用,导致土壤中残留的主要为高沸点重质石油烃污染物[10-13],土壤中污染物更加难以去除。为了降低热脱附修复石油污染土壤的能耗,使用添加剂在相对较低的温度下强化热脱附的修复效果是一种新的研究方向。FRANKIN等[14]研究发现,含钙的矿物质可以降低沥青煤热处理过程中焦油产量,增加气体产物。周锦文[15]利用Ca(OH)2强化热处理煤的研究结果表明,Ca(OH)2能够使焦油二次热解及对煤的初始分解具有较强的催化作用,降低焦炭产率、增加气体产率。这些研究表明,Ca(OH)2具有强化热脱附修复石油污染土壤的潜力。但Ca(OH)2对重质石油污染土壤强化热脱附的修复效果还有待研究。
Remediation of heavy petroleum-contaminated soil by calcium hydroxide-enhanced thermal desorption
摘要: 针对热脱附技术修复石油污染土壤存在能耗高的问题,采用添加Ca(OH)2实现在相对较低的温度下强化热脱附重质石油污染土壤,以降低能耗。通过室内模拟实验,研究了热脱附温度、停留时间和Ca(OH)2添加量对重质石油污染土壤中总石油烃(total petroleum hydrocarbon, TPH)去除率的影响。结果表明,当热脱附温度为400 ℃、停留时间为30 min、加入1% Ca(OH)2时,石油污染土壤中TPH的去除率相比无Ca(OH)2热脱附的土壤提高了23.6%;土壤中饱和烃、芳香烃、胶质和沥青质的去除率分别增加了17.3%、29.3%、18.1%和46.7%,对沥青质的去除效果最佳。Ca(OH)2能够降低热反应活化能且增加活性位点是其显著促进土壤中重质石油烃的热脱附去除的主要原因。Ca(OH)2强化热脱附后土壤粘性降低,分散性增强,粒径变小,且在表面生成一层类焦炭的物质。该研究结果可为热脱附技术在石油污染土壤修复中的应用提供参考。Abstract: Aiming at the disadvantage of high energy consumption of thermal desorption techniques in remediating heavy petroleum-contaminated soil, Ca(OH)2 was used in this study to strengthen the remediation of heavy petroleum-contaminated soil at comparatively low thermal desorption temperature and decrease the energy consumption. The effects of thermal desorption temperature, retention time, and the addition amount of Ca(OH)2 on the removal efficiency of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) in heavy petroleum-contaminated soil were investigated through laboratory simulation experiments, and the variances of soil physicochemical properties caused by thermal desorption treatment was also studied. Results showed that, comparing with the soil treated without Ca(OH)2, the removal efficiency of TPH in the soil treated with 1% Ca(OH)2 increased by 23.6% at 400 °C for 30 min. Meanwhile, the removal efficiencies of saturates, aromatics, resins, and asphaltenes increased by 17.3%, 29.3%, 18.1% and 46.7%, respectively. And the removal efficiency of asphaltenes was the highest. Ca(OH)2 could decrease the thermal activation energy and increase active sites, which significantly promoted the removal of heavy hydrocarbons in heavy petroleum-contaminated soil by thermal desorption. After thermal treated with 1% Ca(OH)2, soil viscosity decreased, then the dispersion of soil particles increased and the particle size decreased. Additionally, a thin film of char-like material coated on the surface particles. This study could provide theoretical reference for the application of thermal desorption technology to remediate the petroleum contaminated soil in China.
Key words:
- calcium hydroxide /
- heavy hydrocarbons /
- contaminated soil /
- thermal desorption
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