不同环境条件下三丁基氧化锡对火腿许水蚤(Schmakeria poplesia)的毒性效应
Toxic Effects of Bis(Tributyltin) Oxide on Calanoid Copepod (Schmakeria poplesia) under Different Environmental Conditions
摘要: 为探讨不同环境条件下三丁基氧化锡(TBTO)对桡足类的毒性效应,通过世代培养30日龄火腿许水蚤(Schmakeria poplesia)的多因素协同作用急性毒性实验,测定了温度、盐度、单胞藻浓度和桡足类密度等环境因素对TBTO毒性效应的影响。结果显示:TBTO对火腿许水蚤雌、雄个体的毒性效应无显著差异,96 h-LC50值分别为0.41和0.42 μg·L-1;随着温度的升高,TBTO毒性效应增强;与盐度25条件相比,盐度15和35条件下火腿许水蚤对TBTO的敏感性相对较高;单胞藻浓度升高导致TBTO对桡足类毒性效应降低;另外,桡足类暴露敏感性还受到其密度的影响。以上结果表明,环境因素对污染物的生物毒性效应产生较大影响,在毒理学研究中应根据实际环境情况设定合理的环境条件,以保证最终生态风险评价结果的科学性。
- 三丁基氧化锡(TBTO) /
- 火腿许水蚤 /
- 环境因素 /
- 急性毒性
Abstract: A series of acute toxicity tests on thirty-day aged Schmakeria poplesia were used to study the effects of bis (tributyltin) oxide (TBTO) under different environmental conditions, such as temperature, salinity, algae concentration and copepod density. The results indicated that 96 h-LC50 values of TBTO for the male and female were 0.41 and 0.42 μ g·L-1, respectively. The toxicity of TBTO increased with temperature rising. The mortality of TBTO to copepods was lower at salinity of 25 than that at salinity of 15 and 35. The sensitivity of copepods to TBTO was reduced with the algae concentration increasing. In addition, densities affected the sensitivity of copepod exposed to TBTO. These results showed that environmental conditions influenced the toxicity of contaminations to copepods. Therefore, the eco-toxicity tests should be conducted considering the realistic environmental conditions to get a credible conclusion in ecological risk assessment.-
Key words:
- bis(tributyltin) oxide /
- Schmakeria poplesia /
- environmental factor /
- acute toxicity

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