针对磷和微量元素对藻类生长的共同作用,研究不同磷源条件下锌对藻细胞生长与产毒的影响。实验选用铜绿微囊藻为藻种,分别以无机磷磷酸氢二钾(K2HPO4)、小分子有机磷甘油磷酸钠(NaGly)和大分子有机磷卵磷脂(LEC)为磷源,研究不同锌(Zn2+)含量对藻细胞的藻密度、碱性磷酸酶活性(alkaline phosphatase activity, APA)以及胞内藻毒素(MC-LR)的影响。研究发现:以NaGly为磷源时微量元素锌对藻细胞生长的促进效果显著,而以K2HPO4或LEC为磷源时,锌含量的变化对藻细胞生长无显著影响。APA不仅与磷源有关而且与锌含量相关,以LEC为磷源时的APA显著高于以K2HPO4或NaGly为磷源时的APA,且锌含量越低APA越低,以K2HPO4为磷源时锌含量越低APA越高,而锌对以NaGly为磷源时的APA几乎没有影响。磷源与微量元素锌对藻细胞的产毒均产生影响,NaGly有利于藻毒素的产生;LEC不利于藻细胞的产毒,但锌含量越低藻细胞的产毒量越多。综上所述,磷源与微量元素锌共同作用对藻细胞的生长与产毒产生影响,小分子有机磷NaGly与锌的效果显著。
Focusing on the effect of phosphorus and trace elements on the growth of algae, the effects of zinc on the growth and toxicity of algae cells under different phosphorus sources were studied. Taking Microcystis aeruginosa as the algae species and selecting inorganic phosphorus potassium hydrogen phosphate (K2HPO4), small molecule organic phosphorus glycerin sodium phosphate (NaGly) and macromolecular organic phosphorus lecithin (LEC) as the source of phosphorus, the effects of different zinc (Zn2+) concentration on algal cell density, alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) and intracellular microcystins (MC-LR) were studied. It was found that the effect of trace element zinc on algal cell growth was significant using NaGly as the phosphorus resource, while it had no significant effect on the growth of algal cells when K2HPO4 or LEC was used as the phosphorus resource. APA was not only related to the phosphorus source but also related to zinc content. When LEC was used as phosphorus source, the APA was significantly higher than that of K2HPO4 or NaGly. It also showed the lower the zinc content, the lower the APA. While the lower the content of zinc with K2HPO4 as the phosphorus resource, the APA was higher. The content of zinc had little effect on the APA when NaGly was the phosphorus source. Phosphorus and trace element zinc had an impact on the production of algal cells. NaGly was beneficial to the production of microcystin. On the opposite, LEC inhibited the microcystin production of algal cells and the lower the zinc content, the more microcystin the algal cells produced. In summary, phosphorus source and trace element zinc jointly had an impact on the growth and toxin production of algal cells. Small molecular organic phosphorus and zinc had significant effects on the growth and toxicity of algal cells especially.