表1 国内外优先污染物筛查方法
Table 1 Screening methods of priority pollutants at home and abroad
清单List评价指标Evaluation indicators筛选方法Screening method美国水环境优先污染物Priority pollutants of water environment in the United States生产量、检出频次、监测方法、环境健康危害Production volume, detection frequency, monitoring method, environmental health hazard专家论证Expert verification欧盟水环境优先污染物Priority pollutants of EU water environment持久性、生物蓄积性、内分泌干扰性、毒性、暴露水平Persistence, bioaccumulation, endocrine disrupting, toxicity, exposure level监测和模型的优先设置方案、专家判断Priority setting scheme and expert judgment of monitoring and model加拿大环境优先污染物Environmental priority pollutants in Canada风险表征Risk characterization专家论证Expert verification日本优先污染物清单List of priority pollutants in Japan环境残留量、暴露潜力、毒性效应Environmental residues, exposure potential and toxic effects专家论证Expert verification英国优先污染物清单UK priority pollutant list持久性、生物富集性、毒性Persistence, bioaccumulation, toxicity专家论证Expert verification中国环境优先污染物黑名单Blacklist of environmental priority pollutants in China生产量、难降解、监测条件、毒性效应Production volume, refractory degradation, monitoring conditions, toxic effects专家论证Expert verification中国有毒有害水污染名录List of toxic and hazardous water pollution in China水环境赋存潜力、管控可行性Water environment occurrence potential, control feasibility专家论证Expert verification中国有毒有害大气污染名录List of toxic and harmful air pollution in China国家排放标准、监测方法、环境管理基础National emission standards, monitoring methods, environmental management basis专家论证Expert verification中国四川省优先污染物名单List of priority pollutants in Sichuan Province, China环境健康危害、环境检出Environmental health hazards and environmental detection专家评判Expert verification中国福建省水环境优先污染物名单List of priority pollutants of water environment in Fujian Province, China水系、废水排放量、重点行业Water system, wastewater discharge, key industries专家论证Expert verification中国天津市水体中优先污染物名单List of priority pollutants in surface water of Tianjin, China健康毒性、检出率、降解性、生物蓄积性Health toxicity, detection rate, degradability, bioaccumulation分级赋值、加权、加和综合计算Hierarchical assignment, weighting, summation and comprehensive calculation中国浙江省第一批环境优先污染物黑名单List of the first batch of environmental priority pollutants in Zhejiang Province, China生产量、使用量、进口量、排放量、毒性、环境事故Production, usage, imports, emissions, toxicity, environmental incidents专家论证Expert verification中国湖北省涨渡湖地表水环境优先污染物Priority pollutants of surface water environment in Zhangdu Lake, Hubei, China暴露水平、持久性、生物累积性、生态风险和人体健康风险Exposure levels, persistence, bioaccumulation, ecological risks and human health risks综合评分Overall rating
优先控制毒害有机化学物质筛查体系如图1所示。(1)根据2015年江苏省化学物质生产使用数据,以“生产和使用量之和>1 000 t·a-1”为原则,确定高产量有机化学物质清单;(2)将具有持久性(P)、生物蓄积性(B)、致癌、致突变或生殖毒性的高产量有机化学物质,确定为毒害有机化学物质;(3)选取17个表征有机化学物质释放、暴露和危害潜力的参数,建立综合风险评估层次结构模型;(4)基于AHP-Entropy技术,计算各评估指标权重;(6)使用TOPSIS技术,对毒害有机化学物质开展优先级排序,确定优先控制毒害有机化学物质清单。
本研究选取表征有机化学物质释放、暴露和危害潜力的参数开展江苏省优先控制毒害有机化学物质筛查。物质向环境释放的总量与生产使用及环保治理设施去除率有关。理论上,生产使用越大,环保治理设施去除率越低,向环境释放的潜力也越大。因此,释放参数选取生产量、使用量和污水处理厂去除率。有机化学物质生产、使用量来自2015年江苏省化学物质调查的结果。基于US EPA EPI Suite软件,计算有机化学物质污水处理厂去除率[15]。
图1 优先控制毒害有机化学物质筛查思路
Fig. 1 Screening strategy for priority control of toxic organic chemicals
图2 毒害有机化学物质综合风险评估层次结构模型
Fig. 2 Hierarchical structure model for comprehensive risk assessment of toxic organic chemicals
表2 化学物质评价指标分级赋分表
Table 2 Graded score table of chemical substance evaluation index
评价指标Evaluation indicators分级Classification分值Score持久性Persistence高持久性(vP) High persistence (vP)100持久性(P) Persistence (P)50无持久性或不确定 No persistence or uncertainty1生物蓄积性Bioaccumulation高生物蓄积性(vB) High bioaccumulation (vB)100生物蓄积性(B) Bioaccumulation (B)50无生物蓄积性或不确定 No bioaccumulation or uncertainty1致癌性Carcinogenicity11002A(2)502B(3)333(4)25未分类Unclassified1生殖毒性、致突变性Reproductive toxicity, mutagenicity1A1001B50233未分类Unclassified1哺乳动物急性毒性(经口、经皮、吸入)、特性靶器官毒性(一次接触、反复接触)、水生急性、水生慢性毒性Mammalian acute toxicity (oral, dermal, inhalation), characteristic target organ toxicity (single exposure, repeated exposure), aquatic acute, aquatic chronic toxicity1100250333425522未分类Unclassified1生产量、使用量Production, usage生产(使用)量排名前20% Top 20% in production (use)100生产(使用)量排名在20%~40% The production (use) ranks 20%~40%50生产(使用)量排名在40%~60% The production (use) ranks 40%~60%33生产(使用)量排名60%~80% The production (use) ranks 60%~80%25生产(使用)量排名后20% The bottom 20% of production (use) 20污水处理厂去除率Removal rate of sewage treatment plant80%<去除率≤100% 80%
设p1, p2, …, pm为指标参数,w1, w2, …, wj为参数的归一化权向量,需满足:
根据2015年江苏省化学物质生产使用结果,江苏省化学物质种类11 125种,其中生产和使用量之和>1 000 t·a-1的有机化学物质有1 146种,列为高产量有机化学物质。基于“具有潜在P、B、致癌性、致突变和生殖毒性中的任一一项即为毒害有机化学物质”的筛选原则,确定257种毒害有机化学物质。根据用途分类看,中间体和化工原料最多,分别占据25.68%和24.51%(图3)。
图3 江苏省有机毒害化学物质分类情况
Fig. 3 Classification of toxic organic chemical substances in Jiangsu Province
图4 评价指标权重值比对
Fig. 4 Comparison of evaluation index weight values
基于TOPSIS技术,结合上文确定的17个评价指标权重值,开展257种毒害有机化学物质的综合风险排序,排名前5%(13种)的物质列入江苏省优先控制毒害化学物质清单。如表5所示,综合风险前3位的物质分别为环氧乙烷、蒽和毒死蜱。环氧乙烷属于持久性有机污染物,具有潜在的致癌性、生殖细胞致突变性及生殖毒性。蒽属于多环芳烃类物质,具有高持久性、生物富集性和水生生物毒性,在江苏省地表水、沉积物和大气中均有检出[22-24]。毒死蜱是我国使用最广泛的有机磷农药之一,属于持久性有机污染物,具有生物富集性和生物毒性。有研究表明,江苏省农业区域毒死蜱对2岁婴儿造成潜在健康风险[25]。四氯苯酐属于医药、农药和染料中间体,具有潜在的持久性、生物富集性和水生毒性效应。三氯乙醛属于农药、医药和有机合成产品的生产原料,也是自来水中氯化消毒副产物之一,具有一定的致癌、致突变性及生殖毒性,其急性经口、经皮肤毒性症状明显。有研究发现,苏州地区部分饮用水中三氯乙醛最大值为15 μg·L-1,高于国家标准限值[26]。
表3 各层级判断矩阵及权重
Table 3 Judgment matrix and weight at each level
综合风险评估(A)Comprehensive risk assessment (A)释放(B1)Release (B1)暴露(B2)Exposure (B2)危害(B3)Harm (B3)WA释放(B1)Release (B1)121/20.20暴露(B2)Exposure (B2)1/211/20.31危害(B3)Harm (B3)2210.49λmax=3.05; CI=0.026, RI=0.58, CR=0.046<0.58释放(B1)Release (B1)生产量(C1)Production (C1)使用量(C2)Usage (C2)污水厂去除率(C3)Wastewater removal rate (C3)WB1生产量(C1)Production (C1)11/21/30.16使用量(C2)Usage (C2)211/30.25污水厂去除率(C3)Wastewater removal rate (C3)3310.59λmax=2; CI=0.023, RI=0.58, CR=0.040<0.58暴露(B2)Exposure (B2)持久性(C4)Persistence (C4)生物蓄积性(C5)Bioaccumulation (C5)WB2持久性(C4)Persistence (C4)110.5生物蓄积性(C5)Bioaccumulation (C5)110.5λmax=2; CI=0, RI=0, CR=0危害(B3)Harm (B3)生态效应(C6)Ecological effect (C6)健康效应(C7)Health effects (C7)WB3生态效应(C6)Ecological effect (C6)11/20.33健康效应(C7)Health effects (C7)210.67λmax=2; CI=0, RI=0, CR=0生态效应(C6)Ecological effect (C6)水生急性毒性(D1)Acute aquatic toxicity (D1)水生慢性毒性(D2)Chronic aquatic toxicity (D2)WC6水生急性毒性(D1)Acute aquatic toxicity (D1)11/20.33水生慢性毒性(D2)Chronic aquatic toxicity (D2)210.67λmax=2; CI=0, RI=0, CR=0续表3
健康效应(C7)Health effects (C7)致癌性(D3)Carcinogenicity (D3)急性毒性(D4)Acute toxicity(D4)致突变(D5)Mutagenicity (D5)特异性器官毒性(D6)Specific organ toxicity (D6)生殖毒性(D7)Reproductive toxicity (D7)WC7致癌性(D3)Carcinogenicity (D3)151310.28急性毒性(D4)Acute toxicity(D4)1/511/51/31/50.06致突变(D5)Mutagenicity (D5)151310.28特异性器官毒性(D6)Specific organ toxicity (D6)1/331/311/30.10生殖毒性(D7)Reproductive toxicity (D7)151310.28λmax=6.36; CI=0.47, RI=1.24, CR=0.377<1.12急性毒性(D4)Acute toxicity (D4)急性毒性:经皮(E1)Acute toxicity: Dermal (E1)急性毒性:经口(E2)Acute toxicity: Oral (E2)急性毒性:吸入(E3)Acute toxicity: Inhalation (E3)WD4急性毒性:经皮(E1)Acute toxicity: Dermal (E1)1110.33急性毒性:经口(E2)Acute toxicity: Oral (E2)1110.33急性毒性:吸入(E3)Acute toxicity: Inhalation (E3)1110.33λmax=3; CI=0, RI=0, CR=0特异性器官毒性(D6)Specific organ toxicity (D6)特异性器官毒性:一次接触(E4)Specific organ toxicity: Single exposure (E4)特异性器官毒性:反复接触(E5)Specific organ toxicity: Repeated exposure (E5)WD6特异性器官毒性:一次接触(E4)Specific organ toxicity: Single exposure (E4)11/30.25特异性器官毒性:反复接触(E5)Specific organ toxicity: Repeated exposure (E5)310.75λmax=2; CI=0, RI=0, CR=0续表3
急性毒性:吸入(E3)Acute toxicity: Inhalation (E3)急性毒性:吸入(空气) (F1)Acute toxicity: Inhalation (gases) (F1)急性毒性:吸入(蒸气) (F2)Acute toxicity: Inhalation (vapours) (F2)急性毒性:吸入(粉尘) (F3)Acute toxicity: Inhalation (dusts and mists) (F3)WE3急性毒性:吸入(空气)(F1)Acute toxicity: Inhalation (gases) (F1)1110.33急性毒性:吸入(蒸气)(F2)Acute toxicity: Inhala-tion (vapours) (F2)1110.33急性毒性:吸入(粉尘)(F3)Acute toxicity: Inhala-tion (dusts and mists) (F3)1110.33λmax=3; CI=0, RI=0, CR=0
Note: λmax means largest eigenvalue; CI means consistency; RI means average random consistency of the same order matrix; CR means consistency ratio.
表4 评价指标权重值
Table 4 Evaluation index weight value
评价指标Evaluation index生产量(C1)Production (C1)使用量(C2)Usage (C2)污水厂去除率(C3)Wastewater removal rate (C3)持久性(C4)Persistence (C4)生物蓄积性(C5)Bioaccumulation (C5)水生急性毒性(D1)Acute aquatic toxicity (D1)水生慢性毒性(D2)Chronic aquatic toxicity (D2)Wi0.0320.050.1180.1550.1550.0540.109bi0.05940.06050.05700.05870.05850.06180.0618Ki0.03200.05140.11430.15470.15410.05670.1145评价指标Evaluation index致癌性(D3)Carcinogenicity (D3)致突变(D5)Mutagenicity (D5)生殖毒性(D7)Reproductive toxicity (D7)急性毒性:经皮(E1)Acute toxicity: Dermal (E1)急性毒性:经口(E2)Acute toxicity: Oral (E2)特异性器官毒性:一次接触(E4)Specific organ toxicity: Single exposure (E4)特异性器官毒性:反复接触(E5)Specific organ toxicity: Repeated exposure (E5)Wi0.0910.0910.0910.0060.0060.0080.025bi0.05850.05820.05900.05960.05690.05900.0571Ki0.09050.09000.09130.00610.00580.00800.0243评价指标Evaluation index急性毒性:吸入(空气) (F1)Acute toxicity: Inhalation (gases) (F1)急性毒性:吸入(蒸气)(F2)Acute toxicity: Inhalation (vapours) (F2)急性毒性:吸入(粉尘)(F3)Acute toxicity: Inhalation (dusts and mists) (F3)Wi0.0020.0020.002bi0.05800.05740.0586Ki0.00200.00200.0020
表5 江苏省优先控制毒害有机化学物质清单
Table 5 List of priority controlled toxic organic chemicals in Jiangsu Province
排名RankCAS号CAS No.化学品名称Chemical 得分Score国内外清单比对情况List comparison between home and abroad毒害效应Toxic effects175-21-8环氧乙烷Ethylene oxide76.8加拿大优先物质清单List of Canadian Priority Sub-stancesP;致癌性:2A;致突变性:类别1B;生殖毒性:类别1B;特定靶器官毒性(一次接触):类别1;特定靶器官毒性(反复接触):类别1;水生急性毒性:类别3P; Carcinogenicity: 2A; Mutagenicity: Category 1B; Reproductive toxicity: Category 1B; Specific target organ toxicity (single exposure): Category 1; Spe-cific target organ toxicity (repeated exposure): Cat-egory 1; Aquatic acute toxicity: Category 32120-12-7蒽Anthracene75.0优先控制化学品名录(第二批)(中国)、清洁水法案-优先控制物质清单(美国)、欧盟高关注度物质清单等Priority Control of Chemicals (Second Batch) in China, Clean Water Act -List of Substances of Priority Control in USA, EU List of Substances of High Concern, etc.vP;B;致癌性:3;水生急性毒性:类别1;水生慢性毒性:类别1;特定靶器官毒性(一次接触):类别3vP; B; Carcinogenicity: 3; Aquatic acute toxicity: Category 1; Aquatic chronic toxicity: Category 1; Specific target organ toxicity (one exposure): Cate-gory 332921-88-2毒死蜱Chlorpyrifos69.8欧盟水框架优先控制污染清单The EU Water Framework Priori-tizes Pollution Control Invento-riesP;B;生殖毒性:类别2;特定靶器官毒性(一次接触):类别1;特定靶器官毒性(反复接触):类别1P; B; Reproductive toxicity: Category 2; Specific target organ toxicity (single exposure): Category 1; Specific target organ toxicity (repeated exposure): Category 14556-67-2八甲基环四硅氧烷Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane69.0欧盟高关注度物质清单EU List of Substances of High ConcernP;B;水生慢性毒性:类别1;水生急性毒性:类别1P; B; Aquatic chronic toxicity: Category 1; Aquatic acute toxicity: Category 1575-87-6三氯乙醛Trichloroacetaldehyde66.5/致癌性:2A;致突变性:类别1B;生殖毒性:类别2;特定靶器官毒性(一次接触):类别1;急性吸入毒性:类别1Carcinogenicity: 2A; Mutagenicity: Category 1B; Reproductive toxicity: Category 2; Specific target organ toxicity (single exposure): Category 1; Acute inhalation toxicity: Category 1695-53-4邻甲苯胺o-toluidine64.3优先控制化学品名录(第二批)(中国)、欧盟高关注度物质清单Priority Control of Chemicals (Second Batch) in China, EU List of Substances of High Concern致癌性:1;水生急性毒性:类别1;水生慢性毒性:类别1;定靶器官毒性(一次接触):类别1;特定靶器官毒性(反复接触):类别1Carcinogenicity: 1; Aquatic acute toxicity: Category 1; Aquatic chronic toxicity: Category 1; Targeted organ toxicity (primary exposure): Category 1; Spe-cific target organ toxicity (repeated exposure): Cat-egory 1
续表5排名RankCAS号CAS No.化学品名称Chemical 得分Score国内外清单比对情况List comparison between home and abroad毒害效应Toxic effects767-66-3三氯甲烷Trichloromethane63.8优先控制化学品名录(第一批)(中国)、欧盟水框架优先控制污染清单、美国水环境优先污染物清单等Priority Control of Chemicals (First Batch) in China, EU Water Framework Priority Control Pol-lution Inventory, U.S. Water En-vironment Priority Pollutants List, etc.P;致癌性:2B;致突变性:2A;生殖毒性:2;特定器官毒性(一次接触):类别1;特定靶器官毒性(反复接触):类别1;水生急性毒性:类别3;水生慢性毒性:类别1P; Carcinogenicity: 2B; Mutagenicity: 2A; Repro-ductive toxicity: 2; Organ-specific toxicity (single contact): Category 1; Specific target organ toxicity (repeated exposure): Category 1; Aquatic acute tox-icity: Category 3; Aquatic chronic toxicity: Catego-ry 183194-55-6六溴环十二烷Hexabromocyclododecane63.1优先控制化学品名录(第二批)(中国)、欧盟高关注度物质清单、斯德哥尔摩公约管控物质Priority Control of Chemicals (Second Batch) in China, EU List of Substances of High Concern, substances controlled by the Stockholm ConventionP;B;生殖毒性:2P; B; Reproductive toxicity: 2971-43-2苯Benzene62.5优先控制化学品名录(第二批)(中国)、欧盟水框架优先控制污染清单、美国水环境优先污染物清单等Priority Control of Chemicals (Second Batch) in China, EU Water Framework Priority Con-trol Pollution Inventory, U.S. Water Environment Priority Pol-lutants List, etc.P;致癌性:1;致突变性:2A;水生急性毒性:类别2;水生慢性毒性:类别2P; Carcinogenicity: 1; Mutagenicity: 2A; Aquatic a-cute toxicity: Category 2; Aquatic chronic toxicity: Category 21075-07-0乙醛Acetaldehyde61.4优先控制化学品名录(第一批)(中国)Priority Control of Chemicals (First Batch) in China致癌性:1;特定靶器官毒性(一次接触):类别1;特定靶器官毒性(反复接触):类别1Carcinogenicity: 1; Specific target organ toxicity (single exposure): Category 1; Specific target organ toxicity (repeated exposure): Category 11150-00-0甲醛Formaldehyde60.6优先控制化学品名录(第一批)(中国)Priority Control of Chemicals (First Batch) in China致癌性:1;致突变性:类别2;定靶器官毒性(一次接触):类别1;特定靶器官毒性(反复接触):类别1;水生急性毒性:类别2Carcinogenicity: 1; Mutagenicity: Category 2; Tar-geted organ toxicity (primary exposure): Category 1; Specific target organ toxicity (repeated expo-sure): Category 1; Aquatic acute toxicity: Category 2
续表5排名RankCAS号CAS No.化学品名称Chemical 得分Score国内外清单比对情况List comparison between home and abroad毒害效应Toxic effects12117-08-8四氯苯酐Tetrachlorophthalic anhydride60.6/P;B;特定靶器官毒性(一次接触):类别1;水生急性毒性:类别1;水生慢性毒性:类别1P; B; Specific target organ toxicity (single expo-sure): Category 1; Aquatic acute toxicity: Category 1; Aquatic chronic toxicity: Category 113127-18-4四氯乙烯Tetrachloroethylene60.3优先控制化学品名录(第一批)(中国)、欧盟水框架优先控制污染清单、美国水环境优先污染物清单等Priority Control of Chemicals (First Batch) in China, EU Water Framework Priority Control Pol-lution Inventory, U.S. Water En-vironment Priority Pollutant In-ventory, etc.vP;水生急性毒性:类别1;水生慢性毒性:类别1;致癌性:2A;定靶器官毒性(一次接触):类别1;特定靶器官毒性(反复接触):类别1;生殖毒性:类别2vP; Aquatic acute toxicity: Category 1; Aquatic chronic toxicity: Category 1; Carcinogenicity: 2A; Targeted organ toxicity (primary exposure): Cate-gory 1; Specific target organ toxicity (repeated ex-posure): Category 1; Reproductive toxicity: Catego-ry 2
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