

太原理工大学环境科学与工程学院,晋中 030600




1 微/纳米塑料与抗生素的相互作用(Interaction between micro/nano plastics and antibiotics)


图1 微/纳米塑料和抗生素吸附机理图
Fig. 1 Adsorption mechanism of micro/nano plastics and antibiotics

一般地,微/纳米塑料对抗生素的吸附强度可用抗生物在微/纳米塑料和水之间的平衡分配系数(Kd)来表征[15]。Guo等[20]研究发现聚乙烯(PE)、聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)、聚苯乙烯(PS)、聚氯乙烯(PVC)和聚丙烯(PP)吸附水中抗生素的Kd值为22.2~30.9 L·kg-1,聚酰胺(PA)吸附能力最高,Kd值为284 L·kg-1

微/纳米塑料老化以后表面形成的含氧官能团,如—OH、—COOH等,使其与周围水分子形成氢键,氢键的形成提高了微/纳米塑料对亲水性抗生素类污染物的吸附效果[16]。而疏水性有机物很难与水分子形成氢键,从而降低其被微/纳米塑料吸附的效果[21]。Sun等[22]研究发现聚乳酸微塑料去除生物膜后,对土霉素的平衡吸附量增加了39.01%,这是因为表面暴露了更多的含氧官能团,形成了更多的氢键增强了吸附效果。Zhang等[23]研究发现纳米PS-COOH对诺氟沙星和左氧氟沙星的吸附容量分别比纳米PS高54.9%和69.6%。此外,Guo等[20, 24]的研究表明6种微塑料对磺胺甲恶唑(SMX)的吸附主要机理可能是静电相互作用和氢键的形成,而6种微塑料对磺胺甲嘧啶SMT的吸附主要机理可能是静电相互作用和范德华力的形成。Xu等[25]的研究表明四环素在PE、PP和PS微塑料上的吸附过程包括疏水相互作用和其他相互作用(如静电相互作用),吸附等温线符合Langmuir模型。四环素在PS微塑料上的吸附容量高于PE和PP微塑料,这主要是由于四环素与PS微塑料之间存在极性相互作用和π-π相互作用所致。Zhang等[23]研究发现双氟喹诺酮类物质诺氟沙星和左氧氟沙星对纳米聚苯乙烯和羧基官能化纳米PS的主要吸附机制包括极性相互作用、静电相互作用和氢键作用。

2 微/纳米塑料性质对微塑料与抗生素相互作用的影响(Effect of micro/nano plastic properties on the interaction between micro plastics and antibiotics)

2.1 微/纳米塑料种类的影响


表1 抗生素和微/纳米塑料吸附机理的研究总结
Table 1 Summary of research on adsorption mechanism of antibiotics and micro/nano plastics

微/纳米塑料种类Micro/nano plastic types尺寸Size抗生素种类Types of antibiotics主要机理Main mechanism吸附影响因素Influencing factors of adsorption参考文献Reference聚乙烯(PE)Polyethylene (PE)0.15~0.425 mm四环素、金霉素和土霉素Tetracycline, aureomycin and oxytetracycline氢键、静电相互作用和范德华力Hydrogen bond, electrostatic in-teraction and van der Waals forcepH和盐度pH and salinity[29]原始和滩涂聚苯乙烯(PS)Pristine and beach polystyrene (PS)0.45~1.00 mm土霉素Oxytetracycline静电相互作用、氢键和疏水相互作用Electrostatic interaction, hydrogen bond and hydrophobic interaction离子强度(Na+、Ca2+)富里酸(FA)和腐殖酸(HA)Ionic strength (Na+,Ca2+)fulvic acid (FA) and humic acid (HA)[23]PS8.8、50.4 μm环丙沙星Ciprofloxacin静电相互作用和π-π相互作用Electrostatic interaction and π-π interactionpH和温度pH and temperature[30]聚氯乙烯(PVC)Polyvinyl chloride (PVC);PE;PS;1、74 μm;74 μm;125 μm左氧氟沙星Levofloxacin氢键、静电相互作用和离子交换Hydrogen bonding, electrostatic interaction and ion exchange金属离子(Cu2+、 Zn2+、Cr3+、Cd2+和Pb2+)Ionic strength (Cu2+, Zn2+, Cr3+, Cd2+ and Pb2+)[31]聚丙烯(PP)Polypropylene (PP)PE、PS、PVC<74 μm泰乐菌素Tylosin静电相互作用、疏水作用和表面络合作用Electrostatic interaction, hydro-phobic interaction and surface complexationpH和盐度pH and salinity[26]PE、PVC<74 μm泰乐菌素Tylosin表面吸附和颗粒扩散Surface adsorption and particle diffusion无No data[27]聚乳酸(PLA)Polylactic acid (PLA)75~150 μm土霉素Oxytetracycline氢键、静电相互作用和疏相互水作用 Hydrogen bond, electrostatic in-teraction and hydrophobic inter-actionpH、FA以及两者混合的影响pH, FA and the mixed effects of the two[21]聚酰胺(PA)Polyamide (PA)PE、PS、PP、PVC75~180 μm磺胺嘧啶、阿莫西林、四环素、环丙沙星和甲氧苄啶Sulfadiazine, amoxicillin, tetracycline, ciprofloxacin and trimethoprim氢键相互作用、疏水相互作用、范德华力和静电相互作用Hydrogen bond interaction, hy-drophobic interaction, van der Waals force and electrostatic in-teraction离子强度和pH值Ionic strength and pH[17]PE100 μm环丙沙星Ciprofloxacin静电和疏水相互作用Electrostatic and hydrophobic in-teractionpH、盐度和HApH, salinity and HA[42]苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)Ethylene glycol phthalate (PET)、老化PLA、PET、PP和原始PLA、PET、PPAged PLA, PET, PP and pristine PLA, PET, PP100~150 μm四环素Tetracycline氢键和静电相互作用Hydrogen bond and electrostatic interactionpH和盐度pH and salinity[37]PA、PE、PET、PS、PVC、PP100~150 μm磺胺甲恶唑Sulfamethoxazole氢键和静电相互作用Hydrogen bond and electrostatic interaction盐度和pHSalinity and pH[20]

续表1微/纳米塑料种类Micro/nano plastic types尺寸Size抗生素种类Types of antibiotics主要机理Main mechanism吸附影响因素Influencing factors of adsorption参考文献ReferencePA、PE、PET、PP、PS、PVC100~150 μm磺胺甲嘧啶Sulfamethazine范德华力和静电相互作用Van der Waals force and electro-static interactionpH和盐度pH and salinity[24]PE、PS、PVC28、48、125、250、590 μm (PE)75 μm (PS、PVC)四环素Tetracycline氢键和离子交换Hydrogen bonding and ion ex-change粒径和重金属离子Particle size and heavy metal ions[32]PE150 μm磺胺甲恶唑Sulfamethoxazole范德华力Van der Waals forcepH、盐度和FApH, salinity and FA[41]高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)High density polyethylene(HDPE)通用级聚苯乙烯(GPPS)General purpose polystyrene (GPPS)75~150 μm四环素Tetracycline氢键和静电相互作用Hydrogen bond and electrostatic interaction温度和pHTemperature and pH[51]PE;PP;PS150 μm;<280 μm;<280 μm四环素Tetracycline极性相互作用和π-π相互作用Polar interaction and π-π inter-actionpH、盐度和FApH, salinity and FA[25]PE、PP、PS、PVC165~245 μm诺氟沙星Norfloxacin静电相互作用、π-π相互作用、范德华力和极性相互作用Electrostatic interaction, π-π in-teraction, van der Waals force and polar interactionpH、盐度和HApH, salinity and HA[46]老化PLA、PE和原始PLA、PEAged PLA, PE and pristine PLA, PE506~690 μm (原始Pristine PLA)、110~250 μm (原始Pristine PE)<150 μm (老化 Aged PLA、PE)磺胺甲恶唑和阿莫西林Sulfamethoxazole and amoxicillin氢键Hydrogenbond过硫酸钾老化Aged by potassium persulfate[38]PS;PS-COOH50 nm;55 nm诺氟沙星和左氧氟沙星Norfloxacin and levofloxacin极性相互作用、静电相互作用和氢键作用Polar interaction, electrostatic in-teraction and hydrogen bond in-teractionpH、盐度和HApH, salinity and HA[22]PS500 nm四环素Tetracycline静电相互作用、π-π相互作用和疏水作用Electrostatic interaction, π-π in-teraction and hydrophobic inter-actionpH、金属离子(Na+、K+、Mg2+)和HApH, metal ions (Na+, K+, Mg2+) and HA[49]原始和老化PE Aged and pristine PE70~140 μm四环素Tetracycline氢键和静电相互作用Hydrogen bond and electrostatic interactionFA[33]

2.2 微/纳米塑料粒径的影响

微/纳米塑料的粒径、团聚作用和形态同时决定了微/纳米塑料对抗生素的吸附能力。一般来说,微/纳米塑料的比表面积随着粒径的减少而增大,可提供的吸附位点增多,吸附能力就越强[28]。纳米PS的吸附能力远高于微米PE,这归因于纳米PS拥有更大的比表面积[29]。刘鹏等[30]研究了粒径分别为8.8 μm和50.4 μm的PS对环丙沙星的吸附行为,发现粒径小的微塑料明显具有更高的吸附能力。Yu等[31]研究了1 μm和74 μm的PVC对左氧氟沙星的吸附,发现1 μm的PVC吸附能力更强。同样地,Yu等[32]研究了不同微米级的PE对四环素的吸附,发现随着PE的粒径增大,平衡吸附量呈显著下降趋势。而处于中间粒径的125 μm的PE吸附能力最小,表明粒径越小,吸附能力不一定是最强的,可能与其形态有关。当微/纳米塑料的粒径过小时,达到几十纳米,此时微塑料形态很不稳定,容易发生团聚效应,形成较大的团聚颗粒,导致比表面积减少,吸附效果会降低[15]

2.3 微/纳米塑料老化程度的影响

微/纳米塑料进入环境之后必然会经历老化的过程,所以研究在各种条件下老化的微/纳米塑料与抗生素类有机污染物的环境行为是必要的。据报道,微/纳米塑料进入环境后,在光、氧、高温和环境活性介质的作用下会发生加速老化,这将极大地改变常见微塑料的表面形貌,出现大量褶皱、碎片和沟壑,也会改变其微观结构,出现碳碳双键、羧基、醛基以及羟基等官能团,还会改变微/纳米塑料的结晶度及表面电位,最终导致环境行为的改变[33-36]。微/纳米塑料随着老化程度的增加,结晶度降低。以往研究表明,结晶度低的微/纳米塑料可以吸收更多的疏水有机污染物[32]。目前对微/纳米塑料老化的研究主要是在定性方面,例如在海水、空气、化学药剂、紫外光照、高温下的老化。孔凡星等[37]使用过硫酸盐对聚乳酸(PLA)、聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)和聚丙烯(PP)进行老化处理,结果表明经老化处理之后的PLA和PET比表面积增大,同时羰基和羟基官能团含量显著提高,其对四环素的吸附能力也增强。范秀磊等[38]使用热活化过硫酸钾对PLA和PE进行老化处理,结果表明老化后PLA和PE的粒径变小,表面产生大量的凹坑、裂缝和孔隙,比表面积增大,含氧官能团强度增加,亲水性增强,对磺胺甲恶唑和阿莫西林吸附能力远远强于初始的PLA和PE。Ding等[16]在空气、海水和淡水条件下对PS进行75 ℃老化处理,发现吸附能力大大提高的最大的原因是表面积和表面含氧基团的增加。微/纳米塑料在老化的情况下,一般是提高了对亲水性抗生素污染物的吸附能力,对疏水性有机污染物吸附能力会降低,这可能是老化微/纳米塑料表面的含氧官能团和水环境介质形成了氢键。以上研究有助于进一步了解老化微/纳米塑料吸附有机污染物的环境行为,明确了老化微/纳米塑料的粒径、表面形态和官能团等的变化,但对微/纳米塑料老化过程的定量分析及老化机制的研究尚不全面。尤其是,不同微/纳米塑料在不同的环境和人为实验条件下具有不同的老化机制[39]。因此,想要比较全面阐明老化微/纳米塑料与抗生素类有机污染物的环境行为,需要具体了解微塑料在不同条件下的老化机制。

3 环境因素对微/纳米塑料与抗生素相互作用的影响(Effects of environmental factors on the interaction between micro/nano plastics and antibiotics)

3.1 pH的影响


3.2 有机大分子的影响


3.3 盐度的影响


3.4 重金属离子的影响


3.5 温度的影响


4 结论与展望(Conclusion and prospect)







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Research Progress on Interaction between Micro/nanoplastics and Antibiotics

Wu Yuan, Li Yanan*

College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, Jinzhong 030600, China

Abstract:As a new type of pollutant, micro/nanoplastics widely exist in natural water and soil environment. Micro/nanoplastics have large specific surface area, oxygen-containing functional groups and strong adsorption capacity, and are easy to adsorb many kinds of pollutants in water, including antibiotic organics. The toxicity of the adsorbent formed by the combination of micro/nanoplastics and antibiotics will be enhanced, and the properties of micro/nanoplastics and environmental factors will affect the interaction between micro/nanoplastics and antibiotics. This paper comprehensively summarized the interaction mechanism between micro/nanoplastics and antibiotic organic pollutants, sorted out the influences of the properties of micro/nanoplastics, such as plastic type, particle size and aging degree, on their adsorption of antibiotics, and summarized the effects of environmental factors, including pH, organic macromolecules, salinity, heavy metals and temperature, on the interaction between micro/nanoplastics and antibiotics. The future research in this direction were prospected, in order to provide reference for further clarifying the adsorption behavior and mechanism between microplastics and antibiotics, the environmental behavior of microplastics/antibiotic adsorbents and their potential health risks to organisms.

Keywords:micro/nanoplastics; antibiotics; environmental behavior; absorption mechanism


第一作者吴渊(1996—),男,硕士研究生,研究方向为微塑料吸附抗生素类有机污染物,E-mail: 3412616181@qq.com

*通信作者(Corresponding author), E-mail: liyanan@tyut.edu.cn

收稿日期2021-11-09 录用日期:2022-01-20


吴渊, 李亚男. 微/纳米塑料与抗生素相互作用研究进展[J]. 生态毒理学报,2022, 17(6): 203-212

Wu Y, Li Y N. Research progress on interaction between micro/nanoplastics and antibiotics [J]. Asian Journal of Ecotoxicology, 2022, 17(6): 203-212 (in Chinese)




Received 9 November 2021

accepted 20 January 2022
