

1.中国科学院城市环境研究所,中国科学院城市环境与健康重点实验室,厦门361021 2.中国科学院大学,北京 100049 3.福建农林大学生命科学学院,福州350028




一般认为,大多数环境污染物主要改变生物体的表观基因组而非直接改变其DNA序列。表观遗传学是研究在不改变DNA序列情况下的基因表达的可遗传变化,其研究对象是表观基因组。表观基因组相对于基因组而言,不仅序列包含遗传信息,同时它们的修饰也记载遗传信息。表观基因组记录生物体DNA和组蛋白的一些改变或修饰,同时这些变化或修饰可以从亲本传给子代。表观遗传修饰包含DNA甲基化(DNA methylation)、组蛋白修饰(histone modification)和非编码RNA(non-coding RNA, ncRNA)等,它们可以在外界环境的影响下改变基因组功能。






1 环境污染物暴露诱导神经毒性的表观遗传机制(Epigenetic mechanism of neurotoxicity induced by environmental pollutants exposure)

1.1 重金属

1.1.1 铝(Al)



1.1.2 砷(As)

As暴露和表观遗传修饰之间的一个可能联系在于其生物转化,即通过共用染色质重塑所需的甲基供体S-腺苷甲硫氨酸(S-adenosyl methionine, SAM)对DNA甲基化产生影响[24]。随着大鼠脑皮质和海马组织中总As浓度增加,DNA甲基转移酶(DNMTs)和去甲基化酶(TETs)表达下调,导致脑组织中DNA甲基化/去甲基化过程显著受到抑制,且这种变化呈剂量依赖性[25]。同时,As可以破坏氧化/抗氧化平衡,并通过TCA循环和α-酮戊二酸(α-KG)途径进一步抑制TETs的表达,从而导致DNA甲基化/去甲基化破坏,诱导大鼠学习记忆功能损伤[25]



1.1.3 锰(Mn)



1.1.4 铅(Pb)

研究发现,雌性小鼠在孕前、孕中和哺乳期持续Pb暴露后,其子代小鼠海马体中MECP2水平显著下降,DNMT1水平显著增加,同时在皮质中发现DNMT1、DNMT3a和MECP2的表达显著增加,此外,子代雌鼠皮质中的糖皮质激素受体基因(Nr3c1)甲基化也发生显著改变,这可能会给小鼠海马和皮质功能以及认知功能造成不利影响[34]。有趣的是,围产期Pb暴露与出生后早期Pb暴露对小鼠海马中DNA甲基化相关酶的影响有所不同。与对照组相比,Dnmt1只有在出生后早期Pb暴露的雄鼠存在显著差异,Dnmt3a在围产期暴露雄鼠和出生后早期暴露雌鼠都显著降低,雌鼠MeCP2表达水平显著降低,可能会导致多种认知障碍疾病[35]。此外,Pb暴露还可能通过DNA高甲基化下调神经分化相关基因表达,从而促进神经退行性过程[36]。早期Pb暴露(出生1~21 d)会导致DNMT1活性降低,改变参与AD通路的APP和β分泌酶1(bace1)基因的甲基化水平,导致APP的过表达,以及生命后期Aβ水平的增加,增加晚年AD发病风险[37]


靶向AD相关蛋白的miRNA也会受到Pb的影响。生命早期Pb暴露显著影响海马中6个靶向神经毒性蛋白的miRNA表达。其中,miR-106b(靶向APP mRNA)和miR-124(靶向SP1 mRNA)减少,这可能会导致晚年神经毒性蛋白的过度表达,增加AD的发病风险[39]

1.1.5 汞(Hg)

有研究表明,产前Hg暴露水平与PON1基因的低甲基化水平相关,这可能导致了儿童期男孩的认知功能障碍[40]。除此之外,Hg暴露后,斑马鱼中长链非编码RNA Malat1可被特异性上调10倍以上,Malat1在斑马鱼胚胎的脑区、眼睛和脊索中高度表达,并改变神经发育相关基因表达模式,导致斑马鱼幼体的神经行为障碍[41]




人类神经祖细胞ReNcell CX对MeHg高度敏感。研究结果显示,低剂量MeHg可通过降低miR-25的水平、上调p53以及线粒体发生相关基因的表达,进而可能损害细胞线粒体功能[46]

1.1.6 其他重金属


镍(Ni)处理的原代培养海马神经元中可以观察到细胞树突的复杂性降低,同时组蛋白乙酰化受到了抑制[48]。此外,Ni暴露后的小鼠海马组织组蛋白低乙酰化,海马树突复杂性下降,并且学习记忆能力受损[48]。神经细胞(Neuro-2a)在Ni暴露下,miR-210过表达并导致ISCU1/2表达水平下调, miR-210抑制剂则可缓解Ni诱导的ISCU1/2下调[49]。ISCU1/2负责线粒体呼吸和能量产生[50],其表达下调可能影响细胞的线粒体功能。


1.2 有机物

1.2.1 多环芳烃(PAHs)

一项流行病学研究发现,产前PAHs暴露与LINE1 DNA甲基化负相关,而LINE1甲基化与儿童智商显著正相关,但LINE1并未直接介导PAHs暴露与智商之间的关联[52]


1.2.2 双酚A(BPA)



1.2.3 农药





1.2.4 其他有机物


另外,挥发性有机物(VOCs)复合暴露导致MALAT1 lncRNA显著减少,同时8个基因因DNA超甲基化而显著下调,其中包含CNTNAP3、SULT4A1、CLIP2、CACNG8、WNT7B、GLS2、TP73和FMR1等基因,这些基因的下调可能导致突触、树突棘的数量和密度降低,以及运动、学习记忆能力受损[72]

1.3 空气颗粒物


2 结论与展望(Conclusion and prospect)


图1 环境污染物诱导神经毒性的表观遗传机制示意图


Fig.1 Proposed epigenetic mechanism of neurotoxicity induced by environmental pollutants

Note: AD stands for Alzheimer Disease, and PD stands for Parkinson Disease.

表1 环境污染物对表观遗传修饰的影响及其神经毒性效应

Table 1 Effects of environmental pollutants on epigenetic modifications and their neurotoxic effects

环境污染物Environmental pollutants研究对象Subjects表观遗传改变Epigenetic changes靶基因/蛋白质Target genes/Proteins神经毒性Neurotoxicity参考文献References重金属 Heavy metals铝 Al人体血清Human serum大鼠海马组织Rat hippocampus小鼠海马组织Mouse hippocampus大鼠脑组织Rat brain tissue人体血清Human serum大鼠海马组织Rat hippocampus↓DNA甲基化↓DNA methylation全基因组Genome-wide认知障碍Cognitive impairment[17]↓DNA甲基化↓DNA methylation↑APP阿尔茨海默病Alzheimer Disease[18]↓DNA甲基化↓DNA methylation↑APP阿尔茨海默病Alzheimer Disease[19]↓DNA甲基化↓DNA methylation全基因组Genome-wide记忆和认知缺陷Memory and cognitive deficits[20]↓DNA甲基化↓DNA methylation全基因组Genome-wide学习记忆功能损伤Impairment of learning and memory function[21]↑H3K27me3↑H3K9me2↓BDNF,↓EGR1学习记忆功能损伤Impairment of learning and memory function[22]↓H3K9ac↓H4K12ac↓BDNF学习记忆功能损伤Impairment of learning and memory function[23]砷 As大鼠皮质、海马组织Rat cortex and hippocampus↓DNA甲基化↓DNA methylation雌性小鼠海马齿状回组织Female mice hippocampal dentate gyrus↓H3K9ac ↓H3K4me3雄性小鼠海马齿状回组织Male mice hippocampal dentate gyrus↑H3K9ac↑H3K4me3小鼠皮质、海马组织Mouse cortex and hippocampus↓H3K9ac小鼠海马组织Mouse hippocampus↑miR-219全基因组Genome-wide学习记忆功能损伤Impairment of learning and memory function[25]全基因组Genome-wide海马神经元发生障碍、抑郁症Hippocampal neuronal dysfunction and depression[26]全基因组Genome-wide空间和情景记忆能力损伤Impairment of spatial and episodic memory[27]↓CaMKⅡ学习记忆障碍以及突触损伤Learning and memory impairment and synaptic damage[28]锰 Mn人体血清Human serum↓DNA甲基化↓DNA methylation↑NOS2神经炎症Neuroinflammation[29]SH-SY5Y细胞SH-SY5Y cells↑DNA甲基化↑DNA methylation↓Parkin ↓PINK↓TH ↓PINK1-PARK2帕金森病 Parkinson’s Disease多巴胺生物合成减少 Reduced dopamine biosynthesis线粒体功能障碍 Mitochondrial dysfunction[30]小鼠脑组织Mouse brain tissue↑DNA甲基化↑DNA methylation↓Mid1↓Nr2f1↓Atp1a3海马神经发生持续中断,多巴胺能中间神经元数量减少Sustained disruption of hippocampal neurogenesis and decreased numbers of dopaminergic interneurons[31]PC21细胞、SH-SY5Y细胞PC21 cells and SH-SY5Y cells↓H3ac↓H4ac全基因组Genome-wide细胞凋亡Cell apoptosis[33]

续表1环境污染物Environmental pollutants研究对象Subjects表观遗传改变Epigenetic changes靶基因/蛋白质Target genes/Proteins神经毒性Neurotoxicity参考文献References铅 Pb小鼠皮质组织Mouse cortical tissue小鼠额叶皮层组织Mouse frontal cortex tissue小鼠皮质组织Mouse cortical tissue小鼠脑组织Mouse brain tissue↑DNA甲基化↑DNA methylation↓NR3C1认知功能障碍Cognitive dysfunction[34]↑DNA甲基化↑DNA methylation↓神经分化相关基因↓Genes involved in neural differentiation促进神经退化Promote neurodegeneration[36]↓DNA甲基化↓DNA methylation↑APP阿尔茨海默症Alzheimer Disease[37]↓H2K9ac↓H3K4me2↑H3K27me3全基因组Genome-wide阿尔茨海默症Alzheimer Disease[38]↓miR-106b↓miR-124↑APP↑SP1阿尔茨海默症Alzheimer Disease[39]汞 Hg无机汞 Hg甲基汞MeHg人体血清Human serum↑DNA甲基化↑DNA methylation↓PON1认知障碍Cognitive dysfunction[40]斑马鱼Zebrafish↑Malat1/神经发育异常Neurodevelopmental disorder[41]NSC细胞NSC cells↓DNA甲基化↓DNA methylation↑P16↑P21细胞周期阻滞Cell cycle arrest[43]LUHMES细胞LUHMES cells↑H3K27me3↓TH细胞周期阻滞;多巴胺生物合成受抑制Cell cycle arrest; Inhibition of dopamine biosynthesis[44]汞 Hg甲基汞MeHg小鼠海马组织Mouse hippocampus↑DNA甲基化 ↑DNA methylation↓H3ac ↑H3K27me3↓BDNF抑郁Depression[45]ReNcell CX细胞ReNcell CX cells↓miR-25↑P53↑线粒体生成相关基因↑Genes involved in mitochondrial production线粒体功能受损Impaired mitochondrial function[46]其他重金属Other metals铜 Cu镍 Ni铅/镉 Pb/Cd斑马鱼嗅觉系统Zebrafish olfactory system↑miR-183/嗅觉神经元丢失Olfactory neuron loss[47]海马神经元细胞、小鼠海马组织Hippocampal neuron cells and mouse hippocampal tissue↓组蛋白乙酰化↓Histone acetylation全基因组Genome-wide树突复杂性下降,海马结构变化,学习记忆功能障碍Decreased complexity of dendrites, changes in hippocampal structure, learning and memory dysfunction[48]Neuro-2a细胞Neuro-2a cells↑miR-210↓ISCU1/2神经细胞线粒体功能障碍Mitochondrial dysfunction in nerve cells[49]大鼠海马组织Rat hippocampus↓H3ac↓H4ac全基因组Genome-wide学习记忆功能障碍Learning and memory dysfunction[51]有机物 Organics

续表1环境污染物Environmental pollutants研究对象Subjects表观遗传改变Epigenetic changes靶基因/蛋白质Target genes/Proteins神经毒性Neurotoxicity参考文献References多环芳烃PAHs多环芳烃PAHs苯并(a)芘B[a]P脐带血Cord blood↑DNA甲基化↑DNA methylation全基因组Genome-wide儿童神经发育异常Neurodevelopmental abnormalities in children[52]斑马鱼及其子代Zebrafish and their offspring↓DNA甲基化↓DNA methylation全基因组Genome-wide焦虑Anxiety[54]大鼠海马组织Rat hippocampus↓miRNA↑DNA甲基化↑DNA methylation↑lncRNA/学习记忆功能受损Impaired learning and memory function[55]小鼠皮质、海马组织Mouse cortex and hippocampus↑DNA甲基化↑DNA methylation↓NR2B短期记忆缺陷和焦虑样行为Short-term memory deficits and anxiety-like behaviors[56]小鼠脑组织Mouse brain tissue↑DNA甲基化↑DNA methylation↓BDNF认知和行为障碍Cognitive and behavioral disorders[57]HT22细胞HT22 cells↑DNA甲基化↑DNA methylation↓BDNF细胞肿胀和炎症Cell swelling and inflammation[57]双酚ABPA尿液Urine大鼠海马组织Rat hippocampus小鼠皮质、海马组织Mouse cortex and hippocampus小鼠皮质组织Mouse cortical tissue↑DNA甲基化↑DNA methylation↓GRIN2B神经发育疾病风险增加Increased risk of neurodevelopmental disorders[58]↑DNA甲基化↑DNA methylation↓BDNF学习记忆功能障碍Learning and memory dysfunction[59]↑DNA甲基化↑DNA methylation↓Fkbp5应激反应障碍Stress response disorder[60]↓DNA甲基化↓DNA methylation↑H3ac全基因组Genome-wide记忆损伤Memory impairment[61]↓H3ac↓H4ac↓Kcc2皮质神经网络受损Cortical neural networks were damaged[63]农药Pesticides百草枯Paraquat氯菊酯Permethrin狄氏剂Dieldrin阿拉特津AtrazineNeuro-2a细胞Neuro-2a cells↑DNA甲基化↑DNA methylation↓miR-17-5pN27细胞N27 cells↑H3ac↑PKCδ水解活化↑PKC δ hydrolytic activation斑马鱼及其子代Zebrafish and their offspring↑DNA甲基化↑DNA methylation↓fmr1↓pnocb雌性小鼠中脑黑质组织Female mice midbrain nigra organization↓DNA甲基化↓DNA methylation↑Nr4a2雄性小鼠中脑黑质组织Male mice midbrain nigra organization↑DNA甲基化↑DNA methylation↓Lmx1bPC12细胞PC12 cells↑H3ac↑H4ac ↑PKCδ水解活化↑PKC δ hydrolytic activationSH-SY5Y细胞SH-SY5Y cells↑DNA甲基化↑DNA methylation↓H3K9me3↓H3K27me3全基因组Genome-wide细胞凋亡Cell apoptosis[64]细胞凋亡Cell apoptosis[65]运动缺陷,焦虑Motor deficits and anxiety[66]多巴胺能神经元进行性退化,PDProgressive degeneration of dopaminergic neurons, PD[67]细胞凋亡Cell apoptosis[68]突触数量和长度变化,PD Changes in number and length of synapses and PD[69]

续表1环境污染物Environmental pollutants研究对象Subjects表观遗传改变Epigenetic changes靶基因/蛋白质Target genes/Proteins神经毒性Neurotoxicity参考文献References其他有机物Other organics多氯联苯PCBs大鼠小脑和大脑皮层Mouse cerebellum and cerebral cortex↑DNA甲基化↑DNA methylation全基因组Genome-wideDNA损伤DNA damage[70]全氟辛烷磺酸PFOSSK-N-SH细胞SH-N-SH cells↑DNA甲基化↑DNA methylation↑miRNA-1↑miRNA-22↑miRNA-30a-5p↓BDNF细胞缩小,活力降低Cells shrink and become less active[71]挥发性有机物VOCs人体血清Human serum↑DNA甲基化↑DNA methylation↓CNTNAP3 ↓SULT4A1↓CLIP2 ↓CACNG8↓WNT7B ↓GLS2↓TP73 ↓FMR1运动、学习记忆能力受损Impaired motor, learning and memory abilities[72]空气颗粒物 Airborne particulate matters颗粒物Particulate matters人体/小鼠脑组织Human/mouse brain tissue↓H3K9me2/3↑APPAD[73]细颗粒物Fine particulate mattersSH-SY5Y细胞SH-SY5Y cells↑DNA甲基化↑DNA methylation↓突触相关基因↓Synaptic related gene自闭症Autism[74]焊接烟雾Welding smoke大鼠脑组织Mouse brain tissue↑DNA甲基化↑DNA methylation全基因组Genome-wide神经退行性疾病Neurodegenerative disease[75]



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Research Progress on Epigenetic Mechanism of Neurotoxicity Induced by Environmental Pollutants

Li Fuping1,2,3, Huang Qingyu1,*

1.Key Laboratory of Urban Environment and Health, Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiamen 361021, China 2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China 3.College of Life Sciences, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350028, China

Abstract:Studies have shown that environmental pollutants can enter the human body directly through drinking water, breathing, dermal contact or indirectly through the food chain, and can pose adverse effects on the central nervous system.Epigenetic modifications are closely related to the function of the nervous system, and their role in the neurotoxicity induced by environmental pollutant exposure has attracted much attention.This paper reviews the effects of typical environmental pollutants, such as heavy metals, organic pollutants and air particulate matters, on epigenetic modifications(DNA methylation, histone modifications, and ncRNAs)and neurological functions in humans and model organisms, and suggests that environmental pollutants can directly or indirectly(by causing oxidative stress)alter the status of epigenetic modifications, leading to dysregulation of relevant gene expression and thus inducing a series of neurotoxicity, such as neuronal apoptosis, learning and memory deficits and neurodegenerative diseases.The limitations of the current studies are also presented.It is suggested that future research on the neurotoxicity mechanisms of pollutants should pay more attention to histone modifications and ncRNAs, as well as the corsstalk between different epigenetic modifications.In addition, the epigenetic mechanisms involved in the neurotoxicity induced by combined exposure of various pollutants and the age susceptibility and sex specificity of neurotoxicity also deserve further investigation.

Keywords:environmental pollutants; epigenetic modifications; neurotoxicity; toxicological mechanisms







第一作者:李富萍(1997—),女,硕士研究生,研究方向为环境毒理学,E-mail: fpli@iue.ac.cn

*通信作者(Corresponding author), E-mail: qyhuang@iue.ac.cn


李富萍, 黄清育.环境污染物诱导神经毒性的表观遗传机制研究进展[J].生态毒理学报,2023, 18(1): 1-15

Li F P, Huang Q Y.Research progress on epigenetic mechanism of neurotoxicity induced by environmental pollutants[J].Asian Journal of Ecotoxicology, 2023, 18(1): 1-15(in Chinese)

Received 14 September 2022

accepted 9 November 2022
