

1. 上海海洋大学食品学院,上海 201306 2. 山东省海洋资源与环境研究院,山东省海洋生态修复重点实验室,烟台市海珍品质量安全控制与精深加工重点实验室,烟台 264006 3. 荣成市海洋经济发展中心,威海 264315 4. 莱州市海洋发展和渔业服务中心,烟台 261499

摘要:本研究基于非靶向代谢组学方法,分析了暴露于100 μg·L-1金刚烷胺下96 h的刺参代谢物组成及含量变化,以探究金刚烷胺对刺参肠道组织毒性及其相关分子机制。代谢组学结果表明,与对照组相比,金刚烷胺胁迫下,刺参肠道代谢物发生改变,共有115种差异表达代谢物,其主要功能分为二肽、类固醇、嘌呤和嘧啶。差异代谢物功能通路的富集结果表明,氨基酸代谢、脂质代谢、信号转导、核苷酸代谢和内分泌系统等生物过程受到显著影响。根据筛选出的差异代谢物的生理功能及其涉及的代谢通路分析,发现刺参信号传导和能量代谢功能受到干扰,可能由于腺苷和单磷酸腺苷(AMP)含量下降;睾酮和牛磺鹅去氧胆酸(TCDCA)含量下降可能对刺参的性别分化和胆固醇代谢产生影响;甘氨酸和脯氨酸含量上升可能是刺参胶原蛋白的降解造成的。本研究探究了金刚烷胺对刺参肠道组织毒性作用的分子机制及刺参的响应调控机制,为后期深入研究毒性机制提供理论依据。


海参属于无脊椎动物棘皮动物纲,是一种常见的海洋无脊椎动物[1]。刺参(Apostichopus japonicas)是海参的一种,富含氨基酸、脂肪酸、胶原蛋白和皂甙等生物活性成分[2],具有较高食用和药用价值,是中国最具养殖优势和经济价值的物种之一。近年来,在市场需求的推动下,中国的海参养殖业发展迅速[3]。不过,海参养殖业的健康发展受到养殖海水质量的极大影响,一旦养殖海水受到环境污染物例如人类用药的污染,则会对海参养殖业造成潜在的健康影响。金刚烷胺是一种用于治疗帕金森病的运动障碍和流感预防的药物[4-5],因其价格低廉且能够有效抑制流感病毒活性等特点,曾被用于畜禽养殖中流感病毒的防治。但流感病毒的肆虐和部分养殖户的非法使用,加剧了环境中金刚烷胺的积累,过量使用的金刚烷胺进入水体,从而对水体生态环境产生破坏[6-7]。研究证实,我国部分海域已受到金刚烷胺污染,且金刚烷胺能够在生物体内富集[8-10]。中国农业部发布560号公告禁止金刚烷胺类人用抗病毒药移植兽用,但研究发现海水和刺参中仍能检出金刚烷胺,刺参中检出量为4.3 μg·kg-1[11],而部分养殖海水中最高可达140 ng·L-1[12]


1 材料与方法(Materials and methods)

1.1 实验动物、试剂

本研究所用刺参为山东安源种业科技有限公司提供的人工繁育刺参,平均体质量(50±3.0) g。实验前选择健康、活力好的刺参,于实验室60 L长方体玻璃水槽中暂养7 d,连续充氧,水温13~15 ℃,每24 h换水1次,清理刺参粪便,换水量为1/2,暂养和后续实验中均禁食,实验用海水均为新鲜、清洁海水。

金刚烷胺(上海麦克林生化科技有限公司),纯度≥98%。甲醇、甲酸和醋酸铵(纯度为LC-MS Grade)均购自美国Thermo公司,质谱级水购自德国Merck公司。

1.2 仪器和设备

质谱仪(型号Q ExactiveTM HF,德国Thermo);色谱仪(型号Vanquish UHPLC,德国Thermo);色谱柱(型号Hypesil Gold column,美国Thermo);低温离心机(型号D3024R,美国Scilogex)

1.3 实验方法

1.3.1 动物实验及模型建立

将金刚烷胺配制成100 mg·L-1的储备液,置于4 ℃冰箱保存。实验水缸中每缸加入30 L海水,加入金刚烷胺储备液,使缸内金刚烷胺浓度达到100 μg·L-1。本次实验共2组,分别为对照组和实验组,每组4个平行,每个平行投放15只左右刺参,同时用正常海水养殖组作为对照组。暂养结束后,挑选健康、活力好的刺参随机投入,以便进行后续实验,实验共持续96 h。

1.3.2 样品采集

暴露实验结束后,随机抽取4个平行组的6只刺参,将每只刺参的肠道一分为六,对照组和实验组分别设置6个平行样本,放置于2 mL冻存管中,取样结束后,液氮速冻,然后置于-80 ℃的冰箱中待检。

1.3.3 代谢物提取

取100 mg液氮研磨的刺参肠道样本,置于EP管中,加500 μL的80%甲醇水溶液;涡旋震荡后冰浴静置5 min,15 000 g条件下4 ℃离心20 min;取部分上清液加质谱级水稀释至甲醇含量为53%;15 000 g条件下4 ℃离心20 min,收集上清,进样供LC-MS/MS分析[20]

1.3.4 LC-MS检测

色谱条件:选择Hypesil Gold column(C18)色谱柱,柱温为40 ℃,流速为0.2 mL·min-1。正离子模式下,流动相A为0.1%甲酸,流动相B为甲醇;负离子模式下,流动相A为5 mmol·L-1醋酸铵,pH 9.0,流动相B为甲醇。梯度洗脱程序见表1。

表1 流动相梯度洗脱程序
Table 1 Gradient elution program

时间/minTime/min流动相A/%Mobile phase A/%流动相B/%Mobile phase B/%09821.59823010010010010.19821198212982

质谱条件:扫描范围选择m/z 100~1 500;ESI源的设置为喷雾电压(spray voltage) 3.5 kV,鞘气流速(sheath gas flow rate) 244 976.7 Pa,辅助气流速(aux gas flow rate) 10 L·min-1,离子传输管温度(capillary temp) 320 ℃,离子导入射频电平(S-lens RF level) 60,辅助气加热器温度(aux gas heater temp) 350 ℃,极性(polarity)为positive, negative,MS/MS二级扫描为数据依赖性扫描(data-dependent scans)。

1.4 数据处理

原始数据文件使用CD3.1(Thermo Fisher)进行处理,对每种代谢物进行峰对准、峰选择和定量。将峰强度归一化为总光谱强度,然后用于基于加性离子、分子离子峰和片段离子的分子式预测。然后将峰值与mzCloud、mzVault和MassList数据库进行匹配,以获得准确的定性和相对定量结果。


2 结果(Results)

2.1 PCA分析和PLS-DA分析


图1 金刚烷胺在刺参实验组与对照组对比的PCA得分图
Fig. 1 PCA score chart of amantadine in the exposure group and control group of A. japonicus
Note: CGM denotes control group; TGM denotes experimental group.

图2 金刚烷胺在刺参实验组与对照组对比的PLS-DA得分图
Fig. 2 PLS-DA score chart of amantadine in the exposure group and control group of A. japonicus

2.2 差异代谢物筛选


图3 金刚烷胺在刺参实验组与对照组的差异代谢物火山图
Fig. 3 Volcano mapof differential metabolites of amantadine in the exposure group and the control group of A. japonicus


图4 金刚烷胺在刺参实验组与对照组差异代谢物聚类热图
Fig. 4 Heat map of differential metabolites of amantadine in the exposure group and the control group of A. japonicus

将主要差异代谢物在HMDB数据库中进行比对分析,注释到37个差异代谢物,这些代谢物主要为有机酸和衍生物(缬氨酸-丝氨酸(Val-Ser)、N-甘氨酰-L-脯氨酸(N-glycyl-L-proline)和酪氨酰丙氨酸(tyrosylalanine)等)、脂类和类脂分子(睾酮(testosterone)、甲基睾酮(methyltestosterone)和牛磺鹅去氧胆酸(taurochenodeoxycholic acid (TCDCA))等)以及核苷、核苷酸和类似物(腺苷(adenosine)、单磷酸鸟苷(guanosine monophosphate (GMP))和单磷酸腺苷(adenosine 5’-monophosphate (AMP))等(图5)。

图5 金刚烷胺在刺参实验组与对照组差异代谢物化合物分类图
Fig. 5 Compound classification chart of different metabolites of amantadine in the exposure group and control group of A. japonicus

2.3 差异代谢通路分析


图6 金刚烷胺在刺参实验组与对照组差异代谢物的KEGG功能通路统计图
Fig. 6 KEGG functional pathway statistic chart of different metabolites of amantadine in the exposure group and control group of A. japonicus

3 讨论(Discussion)







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Research on Toxicity Mechanism of Amantadine on Apostichopus japonicus Revealed by Metabonomics

Zhao Junqiang1,2, Han Dianfeng2, Tian Xiuhui2, Liu Ge2,4, Liu Xiaojing2, Gao Yonggang3, Jiang Fang2, Liu Huan1,2, Cui Yanmei2, Luo Jingjing2, Hong Heyang1,2, Xu Yingjiang2,*

1. College of Food Science and Technology, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China 2. Shandong Marine Resource and Environment Research Institute; Shandong Key Laboratory of Marine Ecological Restoration; Yantai Key Laboratory of Quality and Safety Control and Deep Processing of Marine Food, Yantai 264006, China 3. Rongcheng Ocean Economic Development Center, Weihai 264315, China 4. Laizhou Marine Development and Fisheries Service Center, Yantai 261499, China

Abstract:To explore the toxicity of amantadine on intestinal tissue of Apostichopus japonicus and the related molecular mechanisms, the composition and content of metabolites were analyzed based on non-targeted metabolomics methods after the sea cucumbers were exposed to 100 μg·L-1 amantadine for 96 h. Metabolomics results showed that intestinal metabolites of A. japonicus were changed under amantadine stress, and there were 115 differentially expressed metabolites compared with the control group, whose main functions were dipeptide, steroid, purine and pyrimidine. The KEGG enrichment analysis showed that biological processes were significantly affected, such as amino acid metabolism, lipid metabolism, signal transduction, nucleotide metabolism and the endocrine system. According to the physiological functions of the selected differential metabolites and the metabolic pathways involved, it was found that the signal transduction and energy metabolism were disturbed, possibly due to the decrease of adenosine and adenosine monophosphate (AMP) content. The decrease in testosterone and taurochenodeoxycholic acid (TCDCA) content affected sex differentiation and cholesterol metabolism of A. japonicus. The increase in glycine and proline content might be caused by the degradation of the collagen of A. japonicus. This research explored the molecular mechanism of amantadine on intestinal tissue and the response regulation mechanism of A. japonicus, and provided the theoretical basis for further research on the toxic mechanism of amantadine.

Keywords:amantamine; Apostichopus japonicas; metabolomics; differential metabolite; metabolic pathway







第一作者:赵军强(1998—),男,硕士研究生,研究方向为水产品质量与安全,E-mail: zhaojq2511@163.com

*通信作者(Corresponding author), E-mail: xuyingjiang@yeah.net

DOI: 10.7524/AJE.1673-5897.20220718001

赵军强, 韩典峰, 田秀慧, 等. 基于代谢组学技术的金刚烷胺胁迫刺参的毒性作用机制研究[J]. 生态毒理学报,2023, 18(2): 14-22

Zhao J Q, Han D F, Tian X H, et al. Research on toxicity mechanism of amantadine on Apostichopus japonicus revealed by metabonomics [J]. Asian Journal of Ecotoxicology, 2023, 18(2): 14-22 (in Chinese)

Received 18 July 2022

accepted 21 September 2022
