2022 Volume 17 Issue 1
Article Contents

Zhao Qian, Qi Qianju, Guo Jiahua, Li Qi. Research Progress on Toxic Effects of Typical Pesticides Endocrine Disruptor on Aquatic Flea[J]. Asian journal of ecotoxicology, 2022, 17(1): 137-149. doi: 10.7524/AJE.1673-5897.20210707001
Citation: Zhao Qian, Qi Qianju, Guo Jiahua, Li Qi. Research Progress on Toxic Effects of Typical Pesticides Endocrine Disruptor on Aquatic Flea[J]. Asian journal of ecotoxicology, 2022, 17(1): 137-149. doi: 10.7524/AJE.1673-5897.20210707001

Research Progress on Toxic Effects of Typical Pesticides Endocrine Disruptor on Aquatic Flea

  • Corresponding author: Li Qi, qili726@nwu.edu.cn
  • Received Date: 07/07/2021
    Accepted Date: 14/11/2021
    Fund Project:
  • Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), especially pesticides with endocrine disrupting effects, have attracted extensive attention for their potential ecotoxic effects because they can significantly affect the growth, development and reproductive systems of aquatic organisms. Daphnia magna plays an important linkage role in the food chain of aquatic ecosystem, and is more vulnerable to the effects of residual pesticides EDCs in the water column. Their toxic effects are of great significance in the study of aquatic ecosystem toxicology. In this paper, we focus on the growth and developmental toxicity and reproductive toxicity of pesticide EDCs to Daphnia magna, analyze the resulting oxidative stress and neurotoxicity from the perspective of enzyme activity changes, and reveal the mechanism of their toxic effects at the level of gene expression. We find that pesticide EDCs act through disrupting the nervous system and endocrine system. Besides, the research prospects of the combined toxicity and multi-generation effect of the pesticides EDCs were proposed, which providing a basis for further-exploring the toxicity of pesticides EDCs to Daphnia magna and assessing the ecological environment risk.
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Research Progress on Toxic Effects of Typical Pesticides Endocrine Disruptor on Aquatic Flea

Fund Project:

Abstract: Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), especially pesticides with endocrine disrupting effects, have attracted extensive attention for their potential ecotoxic effects because they can significantly affect the growth, development and reproductive systems of aquatic organisms. Daphnia magna plays an important linkage role in the food chain of aquatic ecosystem, and is more vulnerable to the effects of residual pesticides EDCs in the water column. Their toxic effects are of great significance in the study of aquatic ecosystem toxicology. In this paper, we focus on the growth and developmental toxicity and reproductive toxicity of pesticide EDCs to Daphnia magna, analyze the resulting oxidative stress and neurotoxicity from the perspective of enzyme activity changes, and reveal the mechanism of their toxic effects at the level of gene expression. We find that pesticide EDCs act through disrupting the nervous system and endocrine system. Besides, the research prospects of the combined toxicity and multi-generation effect of the pesticides EDCs were proposed, which providing a basis for further-exploring the toxicity of pesticides EDCs to Daphnia magna and assessing the ecological environment risk.

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