水资源安全问题已经成为全世界关注的焦点。氟是人体必需的微量元素,但是由于地质及工业排放原因,在常规水处理过程又缺乏针对氟离子的专门处理技术,饮用水中氟离子超标会导致氟中毒以及认知障碍、焦虑、抑郁和神经损伤[1-4]。世界卫生组织(WHO)建议饮用水中氟离子浓度在0.5~1.5 mg·L−1。但是据报道,在全球范围内至少有25个国家的6 200万人受到饮用水中氟化物含量过高的影响[5]。目前,去除饮用水中氟离子的方法主要有反渗透法、离子交换法、化学沉淀法和吸附法等。吸附法具有出水水质稳定、工艺流程简单、经济实惠等优点[6],但是存在吸附时间长、会造成二级污染等问题。
Removing fluoride ion from drinking water by dielectrophoresis-enhanced adsorption
摘要: 高氟水的危害引起了人们的广泛关注。为减少饮用水中含量过高的氟离子(F−),基于介电泳技术建立了一种新的去除水体中F−的方法,组装了介电泳装置,将介电泳技术和吸附法结合,增强了对F−的去除效果。探讨了吸附剂种类、投加量和外加电压对于F−去除效果的影响,并用SEM对电极进行表征。结果表明,羟基磷灰石对F−具有最佳的吸附性能,其饱和吸附量为5.88 mg·g−1,Langmuir吸附等温方程能够很好地描述羟基磷灰石对F−的吸附热力学行为,说明吸附满足单分子层吸附模型。在优化的实验条件下(羟基磷灰石投加量6 g·L−1,外加电压15 V),F−去除率由单纯吸附法的67.02%提高到90.39%,达到了WHO饮用水水质标准,且无二次污染。SEM的表征结果表明,经过介电泳后,羟基磷灰石在电极上相互连接形成细长的线状结构。研究为减少高氟水中的氟离子提供了一种快速、高效的新方法。Abstract: The harm of high-fluorine water has attracted considerable attention. In order to reduce the high-content fluoride (F−) ion in drinking water, a new approach, based on dielectrophoresis (DEP), was developed in this study for F− removal from water. The DEP apparatus was designed to improve F− removal by combining dielectrophoresis with adsorption, and the effects of the types and dosage of adsorbent, and applied voltage on F− removal were discussed. The electrodes after dielectrophoresis was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The experiment results showed that hydroxyapatite had the best perfromance for F− adsorption, and its saturated adsorption capacity was 5.88 mg·g−1. The thermodynamic behavior of F− adsorption on hydroxyapatite could be fitted by Langmuir adsorption isotherm equation which indicated that the adsorption belonged to the monolayer adsorption model. The F− removal efficiency was significantly improved from 67.02% by adsorption alone to 90.39% by adsorption-DEP under optimal conditions: the dosage of hydroxyapatite was 6 g·L−1, the applied voltage was 15 V, and the residual F− concentration met the drinking water quality standards of WHO without secondary pollution. SEM indicated that after dielectrophoresis, a slender linear structure occurred on the electrode due to the connection of hydroxyapatite particles. This study provides a new, rapid and efficient method for reducing fluoride ions from high-fluorine water.
Key words:
- dielectrophoresis enhancement /
- adsorption /
- fluoride ion /
- removal efficiency
表 1 羟基磷灰石对F−吸附等温方程参数
Table 1. Isotherm for F− adsorption by HAP
Langmuir吸附等温式 Freundlich吸附等温式 qmax/(mg·g−1) b/(L·mg−1) R2 Kf n R2 5.88 0.586 0.997 2.460 10 0.806 -
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