我国是煤炭消费大国,煤炭消费占能源总消费的56.8%。其中80%的煤炭直接作为燃料燃烧,资源利用率低,并对环境造成一系列污染[1]。由于我国“贫油、少气、相对富煤”的能源结构特点,发展洁净煤技术对实现煤炭清洁高效利用、提高经济效益和改善环境问题具有重要意义[2]。富油煤是集煤、油、气属性于一体的矿产资源。在煤田地质学中,将低温焦油产率大于7%、小于等于12%的煤称为富油煤[3]。由于富油煤具有较高的含氢量,可获得高收率油、气、半焦产品,用来弥补缺油、少气及焦煤稀少等问题。陕西富油煤储量丰富,高达1 500×108 t,排全国第1位[2]。目前,我国对富油煤的利用方式多为直接燃烧,尚未将其有效价值达到高效利用[4]。富油煤低温热解作为煤炭高效清洁转化的一种方式,具有热解工艺条件相对温和、生产成本低、煤种适应范围广等特点[5],是煤炭资源高效清洁利用的必经阶段。煤焦油作为富油煤热解的主要产物,是一种黑色或褐黑色粘稠状,以芳香烃为主的有机混合物,具有特殊气味,易挥发。富油煤热解焦油按照其馏分沸点的不同可以分为轻油、酚油、萘油、洗油、蒽油和沥青6种组分[6]。这些组分可通过富油煤原位热解过程形成的压裂缝进入地下岩层从而产生一系列环境行为。
Natural degradation and volatilization of oil-rich coal pyrolysis tar in siltly sand
摘要: 富油煤原位热解的油、气等产物可通过开采形成的压裂缝进入地下环境,产生一系列环境行为。为进一步了解富油煤热解产物在地下环境中的自然降解与挥发行为,选择粉砂作为典型土壤,以富油煤热解焦油为典型污染物,开展了煤焦油5种组分在粉砂中的自然降解和挥发行为研究,建立了2种环境行为的动力学模型;进一步考察了温度、污染物初始质量浓度等因素对自然降解与挥发的影响。结果表明,煤焦油各组分在粉砂中的降解效果顺序为,酚油>洗油>萘油>沥青>蒽油,且粉砂中各组分的自然降解符合一级动力学方程。其中,酚油的降解速率常数最大,为6.18×10−3;而蒽油的半衰期最长,达到了228 d;温度35 ℃时的降解率为67%,初始质量浓度为10 g·kg−1时,降解率高达72%。粉砂中煤焦油的挥发符合Elovich方程,各组分在粉砂中的挥发效果顺序为,酚油>萘油>洗油>蒽油>沥青。其中,酚油的挥发率是沥青挥发率的4倍;酚油在35 ℃时的挥发率是15 ℃的1.2~2.5倍,污染物初始质量浓度对煤焦油各组分的挥发影响较小。本研究结果可为开展原位开采引起的地下水环境污染控制与修复提供参考。Abstract: The oil, gas, and other products of in-situ pyrolysis of oil-rich coal can enter the underground environment through fracturing fractures formed by mining, resulting in a series of environmental behaviors. To further understand the natural degradation and volatilization of oil-rich coal pyrolysis products in the underground environment, silt was selected as a typical soil, and tar from oil-rich coal pyrolysis was taken as a typical pollutant. The natural degradation and volatilization behaviors of five components of coal tar in silt were studied, the kinetic models of the two environmental behaviors were established, and the effects of temperature, initial concentration of pollutants and other factors on natural degradation and volatilization were further investigated. The results indicated that: the order of degradation effect of each component of coal tar in silt was phenol oil> washing oil> naphthalene oil> asphalt > anthracene oil; The natural degradation of each component in silt accords with the first-order kinetic model. The degradation rate constant of phenolic oil was 6.18×10−3, and the half-life of anthracene oil was 228 d. When the temperature was 35 ℃, the degradation rate was 67%. And it was increased to 72% when the initial concentration of pollutants was 10 g·kg−1. The volatilization of coal tar in silt fitted with the Elovich equation, the volatilization rate of each component in silt was phenol oil> naphthalene oil> washing oil> anthracene oil> asphalt, in which the volatilization rate of phenol oil was four times than that of asphalt. The volatilization rate at 35 ℃ was 1.2~2.5 times that at 15 ℃, and the initial concentration of pollutants had no significant effect on the volatilization of coal tar components. The results of this study can provide reference for the control and remediation of groundwater environmental pollution caused by in-situ mining.
Key words:
- oil-rich coal pyrolysis tar /
- siltly sand /
- natural degradation /
- volatilization /
- influencing factors
表 1 土壤基本物理化学性质
Table 1. Basic parameters of soils samples
粒径/mm 干容重/(g·cm−3) 含水量/(cm3·cm−3) 有机质质量分数/% 主要化合物质量占比/% SiO2 CaCO3 Al2O3 MgO FeO 0.07~0.25 1.48 0.23 0.94 63.00 28.72 5.33 1.80 1.15 表 2 焦油成分组成
Table 2. The composition of tar
成分 质量浓度/(g·L−1) 占比/% 成分 质量浓度/(g·L−1) 占比/% 轻油 0.001 0.08 洗油 0.703 14.07 酚油 0.102 3.04 蒽油 0.825 16.50 萘油 0.263 6.27 沥青 3.105 60.05 表 3 煤焦油馏分与沸点对应关系
Table 3. Boiling points range for classifying tar fractions
°C 轻油 酚油 萘油 洗油 蒽油 沥青 <170 170~210 210~230 230~300 300~360 >360 表 4 煤焦油在粉砂介质中的降解动力学模型
Table 4. Degradation kinetics model of coal tar in silty sand medium
污染物 一级反应方程 二级反应方程 k R2 半衰期 k R2 半衰期 酚油 6.18×10−3 0.903 8 112 0.233 7 0.241 3 58 萘油 3.74×10−3 0.934 4 185 0.972 3 0.124 6 26 洗油 5.19×10−3 0.917 0 133 0.041 1 0.175 4 47 蒽油 3.04×10−3 0.913 8 228 0.006 3 0.247 1 309 沥青 3.16×10−3 0.926 6 219 0.026 5 0.198 2 20 表 5 煤焦油组分在粉砂介质中的挥发动力学模型
Table 5. Kinetic model of volatilization of coal tar components in silty sand medium
污染物 Elovich 抛物线方程 零级动力学方程 A B R2 a1 k2 R2 a2 k3 R2 酚油 0.043 51 0.011 0 0.920 3 0.005 1 0.000 6 0.547 3 0.006 6 1.74×10−4 0.341 4 萘油 0.021 60 0.006 6 0.951 2 0.001 6 0.000 3 0.586 3 0.002 1 4.30×10−4 0.338 7 洗油 0.019 41 0.004 2 0.913 1 0.022 7 0.002 5 0.530 2 0.028 9 1.82×10−4 0.330 4 蒽油 0.007 45 0.001 5 0.921 0 0.005 1 0.001 6 0.630 3 0.009 1 1.20×10−4 0.415 6 沥青 0.004 59 0.000 6 0.961 7 0.024 4 0.004 3 0.660 6 0.034 6 3.19×10−4 0.444 4 -
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