Characteristics of carbon emission from municipal wastewater treatment plants in a south-China province
摘要: 城镇污水处理厂是城市碳排放的重要来源。在双碳政策下,探明城镇污水处理厂碳排放特征是污水厂实现低碳运营的基础。本研究参考现有污水处理厂碳排放核算标准,对南方某省59座城镇污水处理厂2021年度碳排放进行了核算,并结合能耗分析了不同类型污水厂碳排放强度与处理规模、运行负荷率、处理工艺、耗氧污染物削减量、干化污泥含水率的关系。结果表明,所考察城镇污水处理厂2021年度碳排放量为0.02×104~11.98×104 t,其中电耗碳排放是主要碳排放来源,占比为62.6%~98.9%,总体占比79.7%。污水厂的碳排放强度为0.168~1.070 kg·m−3,均值为0.326 kg·m−3,且多数低于国内其他地区强度值。碳排放强度与吨水电耗呈正相关,结合SPSS多元线性回归分析,结果显示运行负荷率、耗氧污染物削减量、处理工艺均显著影响污水厂碳排放水平,而处理规模、干化污泥含水率对污水厂碳排放水平无显著影响。以上研究结果可为该省城镇污水处理厂实现低碳运营提供参考,同时也可为其他省市城镇污水处理厂碳排放特征研究提供参考。Abstract: Municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are notable sources of carbon emission for cities in China. With the policy implementation of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, it is fundamental to investigate carbon emission from WWTPs for their low-carbon operation. Based on the available standards, the carbon emissions from 59 WWTPs in a south-China province in 2021 were calculated. And the influences of treatment capacity, loading rate, treatment process, reduction in oxygen-demanding pollutants and moisture content of dried sludge on carbon emission intensity in different types of WWTPs were analyzed combined with power consumption. Results show that the carbon emission from the studied WWTPs in 2021 ranged from 0.02×104 to 11.98×104 t, of which the emission resulting from electricity consumption (79.7% with the range of 62.6%~98.9%) was the key part. Moreover, the carbon emission intensities of the WWTPs were in the range of 0.168~1.070 kg·m−3 (with an average value of 0.326 kg·m−3), most of which were lower than the corresponding values in other parts of China. Furthermore, SPSS multiple linear regression analysis indicated that carbon emission intensity was found to correlate positively with specific electricity consumption, and loading rate, reduction in oxygen-demanding pollutants and treatment process all significantly affected carbon emission intensities of WWTPs, while treatment capacity and moisture content of dried sludge had insignificant effects on carbon emission intensities. The research result was expected to contribute to the low-carbon operation of WWTPs in the cities of the target province and also provides useful references to the study of WWTPs carbon emission in other parts of China.
表 1 污水厂规模分布
Table 1. Scale distribution of WWTPs
设计规模/(104 t·d−1) 数量/座 数量占比/% 总设计规模/(104 t·d−1) 总设计规模占比/% 总处理规模/(104 t·d−1) 总处理规模占比/% 0~1 10 16.9 6.2 0.8 3.6 0.5 1~5 19 32.2 59.4 7.6 39.1 5.7 5~10 12 20.3 96.7 12.3 77.3 11.4 10~20 8 13.6 124.9 15.9 95.4 14.0 20~50 7 11.9 253.9 32.3 215.7 31.7 > 50 3 5.1 250.0 31.8 250.9 36.9 表 2 污水厂处理工艺分布
Table 2. Process distribution of WWTPs
处理工艺 数量/座 数量占比/% 总设计规模/(104 t·d−1) 总设计规模占比/% 总处理规模/(104 t·d−1) 总处理规模占比/% A2/O类 27 45.8 455.8 58.0 423.4 62.2 SBR类 13 22.0 97.7 12.4 94.2 13.8 MBR 10 16.9 142.5 18.1 81.5 12.0 氧化沟类 6 10.2 43.0 5.5 33.5 4.9 其他 3 5.1 47.2 6.0 47.8 7.0 表 3 不同处理工艺污水厂CH4和N2O排放因子
Table 3. Emission factors of CH4 and N2O for WWTPs with different treatment processes
处理工艺 CH4排放因子/(kg·kg−1) N2O排放因子/(kg·kg−1) A2/O类 0.014 2 0.004 66 SBR类 0.010 0 0.020 20 氧化沟类 0.009 6 0.006 41 表 4 不同药剂碳排放因子
Table 4. Carbon emission factors of different chemicals
类别 药剂名称 药剂碳排放因子/(kg·kg−1) 碳源 乙酸钠 0.623 糖浆 1.6 甲醇 0.985 混凝剂/絮凝剂及助凝剂 聚丙烯酰胺 1.48 聚合氯化铝 0.53 聚合氯化铝铁 2.5 硫酸铝 0.16 生石灰 1.74 消毒剂 次氯酸钠 0.99 液氯 0.93 膜清洗剂 柠檬酸 1.6 氢氧化钠 (50%) 1.12 表 5 国内外城镇污水处理厂碳排放强度
Table 5. Global carbon emission intensities of WWTPs
所在地统计年份 处理工艺 处理规模/(104 t·d−1) 碳排放强度/(kg·m−3) 参考文献 浙江省 2019 CAST 4.00 0.790 [22] CAST+MBBR 1.040 西安市 2017 倒置A2/O 50.00 0.498 [15] 深圳市 2012 A2/O 35.00 0.360 [12] 重庆市 2009 多数为氧化沟或SBR 251.24 1.439(多厂均值,生活污水) [16] 0.526(多厂均值,工业废水) 北京市 2014 A/O 50.00 0.404 [14] SBR 8.00 0.864 四川省 2016 CASS 0.20 0.650 [19] 中国北方 2006 A2/O 60.00 0.470 [13] 波兰 2017 A2/O 2.30 0.600 [35] SBR 0.70 0.700 JHB 0.65 0.700 A2/O 0.87 0.600 A2/O 0.85 0.800 芬兰 2017 AO-AO 2.20 0.700 [35] AO 1.35 0.600 AO 2.60 0.600 AO+生物滤床 4.80 0.700 发达国家 1995~2012 A2/O, SBR, BAF, MBR等 0.02~2 0.390(多厂均值) [36] 发展中国家 1995~2012 A2/O, SBR, BAF, MBR等 0.02~2 0.530(多厂均值) [36] 西班牙 2011 A2/O 0.93 0.224 [37] 预缺氧+A2/O 7.42 0.242 表 6 4座不同处理工艺污水厂碳排放数据
Table 6. Carbon emission data of 4 WWTPs with different treatment processes
(104 t·d−1)处理规模/
(104 t·d−1)处理工艺 进水水质/(mg·L−1) 出水水质/(mg·L−1) 吨水电耗/
(kg·m−3)COD BOD5 TN COD BOD5 TN WWTP1 1.0 0.5 CASS 94.9 41.9 16.5 8.4 1.3 7.3 0.520 86.1 0.485 WWTP2 1.1 0.6 改良氧化沟 131.0 58.9 19.0 6.9 1.1 7.5 0.622 86.0 0.582 WWTP3 1.0 0.5 A2/O 110.5 40.8 16.7 12.1 1.6 8.3 0.673 88.9 0.609 WWTP4 5.0 3.7 A2/O 243.9 122.3 31.6 9.8 1.1 8.3 0.347 82.4 0.519 WWTP5 5.0 3.5 A2/O+MBR 209.0 106.7 27.7 8.4 2.8 9.0 0.824 84.6 0.953 注:水质为年加权平均值。 表 7 污水厂碳排放多元线性回归分析相关数据
Table 7. Related data of multiple linear regression analysis for carbon emissions of WWTPs
污水厂碳排放影响因素 回归分析系数 标准化系数Beta 显著性 VIF 处理规模 −0.059 0.635 1.605 运行负荷率 −0.825 < 0.001 1.866 A2/O类 0.303 0.030 1.159 氧化沟类 0.322 0.028 1.294 MBR类 0.221 0.058 1.420 耗氧污染物削减量 0.495 0.002 1.530 干化污泥含水率 −0.047 0.753 1.141 -
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