在污水处理过程中,碳源作为微生物新陈代谢的必需物质和能量来源,对系统内各种污染物(氮、磷)的去除[1-2]和污泥性能(吸附性能、沉降性能)[1-3]有着非常重要的影响。由于雨水[4]、河水、地下水[5]的渗透稀释,我国5 476座城镇污水处理厂中有2 052座(数量占比37.5%)的进水耗氧有机污染物浓度(以COD计)小于150 mg·L−1,与设计进水水质相差甚远[6]。特别地,南方地区多个城镇污水处理厂的BOD5实际进水值比设计进水低,为设计值的1/2~1/3倍[7]。除此以外,对广东省60多座污水处理厂调查发现,40多座污水处理厂存在进水耗氧有机物浓度(以COD计)偏低的现象,其中23座污水厂进水COD值小于100 mg·L−1,10座污水厂进水COD值小于60 mg·L−1[8]。可见,我国南方地区污水处理厂低浓度进水现象较为普遍。低浓度污水往往需外加碳源来保证脱氮,增加了处理成本,同时会使丝状菌生长速率超过菌胶团细菌[9],容易引发污泥膨胀,增加污水处理难度。
在现有的污水处理工艺中,循环式活性污泥法(cyclic activated sludge system,CASS)能很好地处理低浓度污水,出水水质稳定达标[10-11]。CASS工艺是序批式活性污泥法的改良工艺,通常功能区分为污泥选择区和主反应区,体积比为1∶5,污泥选择区进行反硝化脱氮和厌氧释磷,主反应区进行硝化和好氧聚磷。该工艺具有反应器配置灵活、操作简便、污泥丝状膨胀少和占地面积小等优点,已广泛应用于处理城市污水、工业废水和农村生活污水等[12-14]。在处理低浓度污水时,通过梯级非限制曝气等方式,能有效缓解反硝化碳源不足的问题,促进同步硝化反硝化,在出水达标的前提下显著增强脱氮效率[15]。同时CASS工艺前端的污泥选择区能有效抑制污泥丝状膨胀,活性污泥体积指数一般较低(20~40 mg·L−1),污泥沉降性能良好[16]。
尽管CASS工艺对低浓度进水有良好的适应性,但当进水浓度过低时,会对其沿程污染物降解特征和微生物群落响应机制造成显著影响。有研究表明,当进水COD值为98 mg·L−1时,耗氧有机物浓度(以COD计)在进水曝气0.5 h大幅降低,随后微生物以内源呼吸为主,细胞衰亡释放代谢产物造成水体有机物浓度缓慢升高,有机物、氨氮、总氮和总磷的去除主要发生在运行前期,曝气结束后污染物浓度基本不变,曝气阶段主反应区变形菌门的相对丰度最高[11],污染物浓度变化的主要原因是由于活性污泥与污水接触初期具有快速吸附的性能,吸附作用通常在5~15 min内完成[17]。污染物去除与微生物群落结构变化密切相关,这些沿程变化的特征必然会引起微生物群落结构的沿程差异;同时,进料方式的改变会富集不同的脱氮功能菌,当进水COD值为150 mg·L−1时,序批式进料生化池的硝化螺旋菌属和黄杆菌属丰度较高,而连续式进料的硝化菌属和脱氯单胞菌属丰度较高[18]。可见,对于CASS工艺,微生物的群落特征与污水处理性能密切相关[19]。然而,现有研究大多集中在反应器的整体微生物变化[11,18,20],鲜有涉及沿程(分区、分阶段)微生物群落结构变化方面的研究。而揭示低进水浓度下CASS工艺微生物群落结构的沿程变化特征,是了解污染物降解沿程变化过程机理的关键。
Pollutant removal characteristics and microbial community changes along the CASS process with low concentration influent
摘要: 南方部分城镇污水浓度偏低,而循环式活性污泥法(CASS)能较好地处理低浓度污水,处理性能与微生物群落特征密切相关,但鲜有研究涉及其沿程微生物群落结构变化。本研究选取广东省某CASS城镇污水厂作为典型案例,分析其沿程污染物去除特征和微生物变化,从微生物学角度探讨污染物的去除机理。结果表明:低进水浓度CASS生化池沿程耗氧有机物(以COD计)、TN、NO3−-N、TP主要在污泥选择区被吸附降解,进水1 h COD和TP值降至最低,NH4+-N主要在主反应区被氧化降解,生化池可去除污水中56.42%的耗氧有机物(以COD计)、41.71%的TN、77.78%的NH4+-N、99.59%的TP。生化池主要优势菌门有变形菌门、拟杆菌门、绿弯菌门和浮霉菌门,变形菌门是影响微生物多样性变化的关键菌门。属水平上,进水1 h选择区Zoogloea、Aeromonas和Thauera丰度较高,主反应区Nitrospira丰度较高;进水结束选择区Nitrospira丰度较高,主反应区Terrimonas和Lactobacillus丰度较高;沉淀1 h选择区Thauera丰度提高,主反应区Nitrosomonas丰度较高,主要发生氨氧化;闲置结束选择区脱氮菌类型多丰度高,主反应区Sulfuritalea、Haliangium、Zoogloea丰度较高。沿程功能性微生物丰度变化与污染物浓度变化相对应。NO3−-N对微生物群落结构的塑造影响最显著(解释度为38.92%)。氮代谢途径表明沿程主反应区均发生全程硝化反硝化,选择区均发生短程硝化和全程反硝化,除进水1 h外,其余阶段选择区的反硝化功能基因丰度均比主反应区高。Abstract: The concentration of sewage in some cities in southern China is low, while it can be treated by cyclic activated sludge system (CASS), and the treatment performance is closely related to the microbial community characteristics, but few studies had addressed the changes in microbial community structure along the process. In this study, a CASS urban wastewater plant in Guangdong Province was selected as a typical case to analyse the pollutant removal characteristics and microbial changes along the process, and to explore the pollutant removal mechanism from a microbiological perspective. The results showed that oxygen-consuming organic matter (COD), TN, NO3−-N and TP were mainly adsorbed and degraded in the sludge selection zone along the CASS biochemical tank with low influent concentration, and COD and TP values in the influent decreased to minimum at 1 hour, while NH4+-N was mainly oxidized and degraded in the main reaction zone. Biochemical tank could remove 56.42% of oxygen-consuming organic matter (COD), 41.71% of TN, 77.78% of NH4+-N, and 99.59% of TP from the sewage. The main dominant bacterial phyla in the biochemical tank were Amoebacteria, Bacteroidetes, Green Campylobacter and Phyllobacterium, of which Amoebacteria was the key phylum influencing the microbial diversity. At the genus level, high abundance of Zoogloea, Aeromonas and Thauera occurred in the selection zone, and high abundance of Nitrospira occurred in the main reaction zone after 1 hour feeding. At the end of feeding, high abundance of Nitrospira occurred in the selection zone, high abundance of Terrimonas and Lactobacillus occurred in the main reaction zone. After 1 hour of sedimentation, the abundance of Thauera increased in the selection zone and high abundance of Nitrosomonas occurred in the main reaction zone, where ammonia oxidation mainly occurred. At the end of idle, high abundance and types of denitrifying bacteria occurred in selection zone, and high abundance of Sulfuritalea, Haliangium and Zoogloea occured in the main reaction zone. Changes in the abundance of functional microorganisms along the process corresponded to changes in pollutant concentrations. NO3−-N had the most significant effect on shaping the structure of the microbial community (38.92% explained). The nitrogen metabolic pathway showed that nitrification and denitrification occurred along the main reaction zone, short-course nitrification and full denitrification occurred in the selection zone, and the abundance of denitrification functional genes was higher in the selection zone than in the main reaction zone at all stages except for 1 hour feeding.
表 1 月均水质指标
Table 1. Water quality index
项目 COD/(mg·L−1) BOD5/(mg·L−1) SS/(mg·L−1) NH4+-N/(mg·L−1) TN/(mg·L−1) TP/(mg·L−1) 进水 67.0~97.0 7.9~30.5 44.0~86.0 7.2~12.6 10.4~16.5 1.0~1.7 出水 11.0~14.0 0.3~2.5 3.0~4.0 0.2~3.2 3.1~7.9 0.1~0.3 去除率 85.2% 94.9% 94.1% 86.7% 64.0% 85.9% 表 2 微生物Alpha多样性指数
Table 2. Alpha diversity index of microorganisms
功能区域 运行阶段 Chao1 OTUs Shannon Simpson 覆盖率 污泥选择区 进水1 h 2 246.7 1 229 7.41 0.040 0.991 进水结束 2 294.5 1 280 7.2 0.056 0.991 沉淀1 h 2 311.4 1 290 7.3 0.047 0.991 闲置结束 2 403.5 1 316 7.49 0.038 0.991 主反应区 进水1 h 2 170.6 1 252 7.04 0.056 0.991 进水结束 2 218.7 1 214 7.26 0.048 0.991 沉淀1 h 2 279.4 1 251 7.58 0.029 0.992 闲置结束 2 273.4 1 287 7.54 0.030 0.992 -
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