为探讨溴氰菊酯对中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)的毒性影响,采用换水式渔药毒性试验的方法进行了溴氰菊酯对河蟹急性毒性实验和慢性毒性作用下组织病理的研究。结果表明:溴氰菊酯对河蟹24 h、48 h、72 h和96 h半致死浓度(LC50)分别为2.127 μg·L-1、1.380 μg·L-1、1.153 μg·L-1和0.905 μg·L-1,安全浓度(SC)为0.0905 μg·L-1,溴氰菊酯对河蟹的毒性为剧毒;河蟹在溴氰菊酯浓度为0.005~0.32 μg·L-1的慢性毒性作用下,分别于第7、14和21天进行鳃、肝胰腺、心脏、肠、肌肉组织和神经团的组织病理观察,鳃出现鳃小叶水肿、渗出物增加、萎缩到鳃腔闭合出现细胞坏死,肝胰腺的部分肝胰腺管中肝胰腺细胞空泡变性、坏死和肝胰腺管基膜崩解,心脏出现水肿,部分心肌纤维横纹模糊和消失到局部心肌纤维坏死,肠黏膜层柱状上皮细胞从空泡变性、部分坏死到较多上皮细胞坏死崩解脱落入肠腔,肌肉组织和神经团无组织病理变化现象。最早出现不可逆的坏死组织病理变化是在第14天的0.005 μg·L-1浓度组,肝胰腺细胞坏死,此时即使去除溴氰菊酯的毒性作用,坏死已不能恢复。通过与河蟹水瘪子病组织病理的比较分析,溴氰菊酯毒性作用下的河蟹具有独特的组织病理变化特点。
In order to investigate the toxicity of deltamethrin to Eriocheir sinensis, acute toxicity test of delta- methrin for crab and chronic toxicity test of deltamethrin for the histopathology of crab were studied by the method of water-changing fishery toxicity test. The results showed that the 24 h, 48 h, 72 h and 96 h median lethal concentration (LC50) values of deltamethrin for crab were 2.127 μg·L-1, 1.380 μg·L-1, 1.153 μg·L-1 and 0.905 μg·L-1 respectively. Safe concentration (SC) was 0.0905 μg·L-1. The toxicity of deltamethrin for crab was extremely high. Histopathological changes of crab were respectively observed on the 7th d, 14th d and 21st d in the different concentrations of deltamethrin from 0.005 to 0.32 μg·L-1. In the gills we observed edema, exudation, atrophy and completive closure of gill cavities and cellular necrosis. In the hepatopancreatic cells we observed vacuolar degeneration, necrosis and disintegration of basement membrane in some hepatopancreatic ducts. Some myocardial fibers in the heart showed edema, disappearence of transverse stripes and necrosis. Some columnar epithelial cells in the intestinal mucosa showed vacuolar degeneration and necrosis. Necrotic materials fell eventually into intestinal duct. No histopathological changes appeared in muscle tissue and nerve mass. Necrosis was irreversible histopathological change. The earliest necrosis appeared in the hepatopancreatic cells in the 0.005 μg·L-1 group on the 14th d. Necrosis could not be recovered even if the crabs were kept away from deltamethrin afterwards. By comparing with the crab shui-bie-zi disease, the crab exposed to deltamethrin showed some specific characteristics of histopathology.