Screening of Degradation Bacteria of Combined Sulfonamide Antibiotic Pollutants and Their Toxicity-reducing Effects
摘要: 磺胺类抗生素是环境中检测出率较高的一类污染物。微生物降解是一种相对安全、高效且成本低的污染物去除技术,而关于磺胺类抗生素复合污染降解菌对该类抗生素的去除及其降毒能力方面的研究较少。因此,以3种磺胺类抗生素:磺胺吡啶(SP)、磺胺氯哒嗪(SCP)和磺胺二甲嘧啶(SM2)为碳源,从土壤中筛选3种磺胺类抗生素复合污染的降解菌,应用时间毒性微板分析法,测定3种抗生素及其复合污染物在降解前、后对指示生物蛋白核小球藻的毒性效应,并分析降解菌对3种抗生素及其复合物污染物的降毒能力。结果表明,以SP、SCP和SM2为碳源筛选出2株(S1和S2)降解菌,其中,S1菌株对3种抗生素的降解能力优于S2菌株,并初步鉴定S1降解菌为马氏棒杆菌属;S1降解菌的生长状况和降解能力最佳条件:3种抗生素的混合浓度为1 500 mg·L-1,pH=7.0,温度30℃,转速为150 r·min-1以及接种量为2.0%;S1菌株降解后的抗生素及其复合污染物对蛋白核小球藻的毒性明显低于降解前的毒性,降毒率在99%以上;S1降解菌对3种磺胺类抗生素的降解能力为SM2 > SP > SCP。Abstract: Sulfonamide antibiotics (SAs) are a type of pollutants with high detection rate in the environment. Microbial degradation is a relatively safe, efficient and low-cost pollutant removal technology. However, removal technology and toxicity-reducing ability of degradation bacteria on the combined SA pollutants are rarely studied. Therefore, three widely used SAs, sulphapyridazine (SP), sulfachlorodiazine (SCP) and sulfadimethylpyridine (SM2), were selected as the carbon sources to screen degradation bacteria from soil. Toxic effects of the three antibiotics and their mixture pollutants before and after degradation on Chlorella pyrenoidosa were determined by the time-dependent toxicity microplate analysis method. Toxicity-reducing ability of degradation bacteria on the three antibiotics and their mixture pollutants was analyzed. The results show that two strains of degradation bacteria (S1, S2) are screened from soil, and the degradation ability of S1 is better than that of S2. The growth and degradation ability of S1 degradation bacteria are best when the concentration of three mixed antibiotics is 1 500 mg·L-1, pH=7.0, temperature 30℃, rotation speed 150 r·min-1, and inoculation amount 2.0%. Toxicity of the three SAs and their combined pollutants to Chlorella pyrenoidosa after degradation is significantly lower than that of before degradation and the detoxification rate is above 99%. Degradation ability order of the bacteria S1 to three sulfonamides is as follows:SM2 > SP > SCP.
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