Toxicity, Mechanism and Their Impact Factors of Micro/Nano Plastics to Freshwater Organisms: A Review
摘要: 微/纳米塑料(MNPs)在全球水环境中被检出,其污染问题已引起科学界和公众的普遍关注。MNPs因其物理化学特性可对水环境生物产生不可预知的危害。本文综述了MNPs对不同营养级淡水生物(藻类、水溞和鱼类)毒理效应的研究进展,阐述了MNPs对淡水生物毒性的作用机理,重点评述了影响MNPs对淡水生物毒性的主要因素,包括直接因素(聚合物类型、元素掺杂、尺寸、颗粒形状和表面特征)和间接因素(单体和添加剂释放、其他污染物及水溶液化学条件),并指出了塑料生态毒理学今后的研究趋势。Abstract: Micro/nano plastics (MNPs) have been detected in the global water environment, which has attracted the widespread concern of the scientific community and the public. Owing to the unique physicochemical properties, MNPs pose unprecedented harm to species in the aquatic environment. This work overviewed the progress of the toxicity of MNPs to freshwater organisms (algae, water fleas, and fish) with different trophic levels and elucidated mechanism in the toxicity, as well as focused on the effects of main direct factors (polymer types, element doping, size, shape, and surface characteristics) and indirect factors (monomers and additives release, other contaminants, and water chemistry conditions) on the toxicity of MNPs to the freshwater organisms. Moreover, we addressed the further trends in this research field.
Key words:
- microplastics /
- nanoplastics /
- freshwater organisms /
- toxicity mechanism /
- impact factors
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