Using Environmental DNA Metabarcoding to Monitor Community Diversity of Protist in Sediments
摘要: 原生生物个体小、繁殖快,对污染物敏感,是沉积物环境污染重要指示类群。传统基于形态学的方法难以快速准确地反映沉积物中原生生物的群落组成和物种多样性,严重制约了其在水生态评估中的应用。本研究采用环境DNA宏条形码方法,基于真核18S rRNA基因片段分析了太湖流域沉积物原生生物的群落结构及其时空差异,筛选了可用于太湖流域沉积物生态评估的原生生物指标,建立了基于原生生物的水生态评估方法。结果显示,利用环境DNA技术在太湖流域沉积物共检出原生生物群落有2 468个分类单元(OTU),属于13门44纲,至少在2个平行样本出现的OTU占总OTU的84.25%,春季(3月)与秋季(8月)原生生物群落组成差异明显。评价结果表明,目前太湖流域原生生物群落完整性整体处于亚健康和一般水平。Abstract: Protists are small, sensitive to pollutants and with rapid reproduction, which can be used to indicate the status of sediment pollution. The traditional morphology-based monitoring of protist is difficult to quickly and accurately reflect the community composition and species diversity of protist in sediments, which seriously restricts its application in bioassessment. Here the community structure and temporal and spatial differences of sediment protist community in Tai Lake Basin were analyzed by the environmental DNA metabarcoding and the eukaryotic 18S rRNA gene fragment. The protist indexes that can be used for sediment bioassessment in Tai Lake Basin were screened, and the water ecological assessment method based on protist was established. The results show that there are 2 468 OTU taxons in the protobiotic community detected by environmental DNA technology in the sediments of Tai Lake Basin, belonging to 13 phyla and 44 classes. The OTU in at least two parallel samples accounts for 84.25% of the total OTU. There is a significant difference in the composition of protobiotic community between spring (March) and autumn (August), At present, the integrity of protist community in Tai Lake Basin is at the sub-health and general level.
Key words:
- eDNA metabarcoding /
- protist /
- ecological health assessment /
- monitoring technology
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