Transcriptome Analysis on Intergenerational Effect of Daphnia magna Exposed to Triadimefon
摘要: 三唑酮是一种普遍使用的唑类杀菌剂,其对水生生物的危害已经引起广泛关注。为探讨三唑酮对无脊椎动物的毒性效应和致毒机理,以大型溞为模式生物,开展多代试验,评估不同浓度(5、12.5、25、50、100和200 μg·L-1)的三唑酮对大型溞生长和繁殖以及每代时间间隔的影响。结果表明,暴露21 d后,200 μg·L-1的三唑酮显著降低了大型溞的体长和繁殖能力。转录组分析发现,三唑酮暴露后,F1代和F2代的处理组与对照组的差异表达基因分别为376个和422个,而两代间的差异表达基因共2 604个。通过对差异表达基因的功能富集发现,三唑酮对大型溞F1代影响的主要通路有蛋白质吸收消化、视黄醇新陈代谢、氧化应激和甾类激素生物合成等,对F2代影响的主要通路有抗原处理和呈递、类固醇生物合成和谷胱甘肽代谢等。三唑酮对大型溞可能的毒性作用有氧化应激、内分泌干扰效应、神经毒性和免疫毒性,且可能会存在传代效应。Abstract: Triadimefon is a widely used triazole fungicide, which has been ubiquitously detected in the aquatic environment around the world, and its potential adverse effect to aquatic organisms has drawn global concern. In order to explore the toxic effect and mechanisms of triadimefon to invertebrates in the aquatic environment, a multi-generational experiment using Daphnia magna as the model animal was carried out. Influence of triadimefon concentrations (5, 12.5, 25, 50, 100, and 200 μg·L-1) on the growth, reproduction, and breeding interval of Daphnia magna was assessed, and the feasible pathways were analyzed through RNA-Seq and KEGG enrichment of differently expressed genes. The results indicated that triadimefon at 200 μg·L-1 significantly decreased the length and reproduction of Daphnia magna. There were 376 and 422 differently expressed genes in F1 and F2 respectively after exposure to triadimefon compared to control, while 2 604 differently expressed genes existed between F1 and F2. The feasible pathways included protein digestion and adsorption, retinol metabolism, oxidative stress, and steroid hormone biosynthetic in F1, antigen processing and presentation, steroid biosynthesis, and glutathione metabolism in F2. Oxidative stress, endocrine disruption, neurotoxicity and immunotoxicity might be caused when Daphnia magna was exposed to triadimefon, which may be extended to the next generation.
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