Influence of Dissolved Organic Matter on Environmental Behavior and Biological Effects of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles
摘要: 溶解性有机质(DOM)与二氧化钛纳米颗粒(nTiO2)的相互作用及其效应是当前研究的热点之一。随着nTiO2在各个领域的广泛应用,了解其在环境中与DOM之间的复杂关系对于环境保护和人类健康至关重要。一旦nTiO2进入环境中,它与水体中存在的DOM发生多层次的物理和化学相互作用。这些相互作用包括但不限于配位体交换、疏水性作用、静电作用力以及分子间作用力等。这一过程导致nTiO2的表面电荷、疏水性和表面官能团等物理化学性质发生显著变化。这种变化不仅影响了nTiO2在水体中的胶体稳定性,还可能改变其对环境中污染物的迁移和转化能力。此外,DOM的存在可能显著影响nTiO2的富集、产生自由基以及在生物体系中引起的生物效应。为深入了解DOM与nTiO2相互作用的机制和效应,近年来的研究已取得一系列重要成果。通过总结这些研究成果,可以更好地理解DOM对nTiO2在环境中行为和效应的关键影响因素,为未来的环境保护和纳米材料应用提供有益的指导。Abstract: The interaction and effects of dissolved organic matter (DOM) with titanium dioxide nanoparticles (nTiO2) are a current focus of research. The widespread use of nTiO2 in various fields; necessitates an understanding of its complex relationship with DOM in the environment, which is crucial for both environmental protection and human health. Once in the environment, nTiO2 engages in multi-level physical and chemical interactions with DOM in aquatic systems. These interactions include coordination exchange, hydrophobic interactions, electrostatic forces, and intermolecular forces, leading to significant changes in nTiO2's physicochemical properties, such as surface charge, hydrophobicity, and surface functional groups. These changes affect the colloidal stability of nTiO2 in water and may alter its ability to migrate and transform environmental pollutants. Moreover, DOM's presence significantly impact the enrichment of nTiO2, free radical generation, and the biological effects it induces in biological systems. Recent research has provided important findings that deepen our understanding of the mechanisms and effects of DOM-nTiO2 interactions. Summarizing these outcomes enhances our comprehension of the key factors influencing DOM's impact on nTiO2 behavior in the environment, as well as its biological effects. This understanding offers valuable guidance for future environmental protection and the application of nanomaterials.
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