Research Progress in Ecotoxic Effects of Suspended Solids on Marine Organisms
摘要: 近年来,由于海上吹填、疏浚、挖沟等用海活动日趋频繁,导致相关海域悬浮物浓度急增,悬浮物已成为海洋水域中较为普遍的污染物。悬浮物浓度的增加会导致海洋生物产生一系列负面影响,进而影响整个海洋生态系统。本文首先简述了悬浮物对海洋生物生态影响的作用方式,然后重点综述了悬浮物对不同种类海洋生物的生态毒性效应,包括:底栖类、浮游生物、鱼类、虾蟹类;在此基础上对比分析了悬浮物对海洋生物的生态毒性大小。目前,有关悬浮物对海洋生物生态毒性效应的研究多限于急性致死效应及应激效应。悬浮物的浓度、粒径大小和组成成分,以及海洋生物种类、年龄阶段等因素均会不同程度地影响悬浮物的生态毒性。在对比分析悬浮物对不同种类海洋生物致死浓度的基础上,利用Kruskal-Wallis检验得出悬浮物对海洋生物毒性大小大致为:海洋甲壳类>鱼类>浮游藻类,海洋甲壳类对悬浮物最为敏感,因此海上施工作业应重视对海洋甲壳类的保护。此外,悬浮物对海洋生物的致死浓度在实际海水环境中几乎很难达到,反而相对低的浓度对海洋生物的生态效应却是长期的、慢性的,但其后果不容忽视。在评价海洋工程的生态影响时,需要重视评估悬浮物对海洋生态系统的综合效应、长期效应,根据实际情况划分不同级别警戒浓度,尽量减少工程施工对海洋生态系统的负面影响。Abstract: In recent years, due to the increasing frequency of sea use activities such as offshore reclamation, dredging, trenching, etc., the concentration of suspended solids in relevant sea areas has elevated rapidly. Suspended solids have become the prevalent pollutant in marine environment. Increased concentrations of suspended solids would lead to a series of negative impacts on marine organisms, consequently impacting the entire marine ecosystem. In this article, we firstly introduce the action mode of suspended solids on marine organisms, then we review and highlight the ecological effects of suspended solids toward different marine organism species, including benthic organisms, plankton, fish, and crustaceans. Additionally, a comparative analysis is conducted among the ecological toxicity of suspended solids on different marine organisms. Currently, research on the ecological toxicity of suspended solids to marine organisms is mainly restricted to the acute lethality and stress response. The concentration, particle size, and composition of suspended solids, as well as the species and age stages of marine organisms, would influence the toxicity of suspended solids. The Kruskal-Wallis test based on the lethal concentrations of suspended solids toward different marine organisms suggests that the toxic extent of suspended solids toward different species is approximately as follows:marine crustaceans>fish>plankton. Marine crustaceans are particularly sensitive to suspended solids, highlighting the need to prioritize their protection during offshore construction activities. In addition, the actual levels of suspended solids in marine environment hardly reach the lethal dose; however, the ecological effects of suspended solid under low concentrations are chronic and continuous, and with consequences that could not be ignored. When evaluating the ecological impacts of marine engineering, it is necessary to pay attention to assessing the integrated and long-term effects of suspended solids on the ecosystem. Different levels of warning concentrations should be established based on the actual situation, in order to minimize the negative impact of engineering construction on marine ecosystem.
Key words:
- suspended solids /
- marine organisms /
- acute toxicity /
- offshore construction /
- ecotoxic effects
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