Toxicity Effect, Water Quality Criteria and Standards of Fluoride:Progress and Prospects
摘要: 氟摄入过低或过高,都会对人体健康产生负面影响,此外,水体中的氟化物含量过高也会对水生生物产生危害。本文综述了氟化物的主要来源与分布,以及氟化物的毒性效应,从保护人体健康和水生生物2个角度分析了国内外氟化物水质基准/标准研究现状,并针对氟化物人体健康效应的双阈值性、氟化物摄入源地区差异性、氟化物水生生物毒性受温度、硬度和氯离子浓度等影响的特征,展望了我国氟化物水质基准研究和标准修订的未来发展方向:(1)深入探讨氟化物保护人体健康的最适区间;(2)将氟化物总摄入量的地区差异性纳入地方性水质标准制定的考虑范畴;(3)加强水质参数(如硬度、温度和氯离子浓度等)修正的氟化物水生生物水质基准研究。Abstract: Low or high fluoride intake can affect human health, and high fluoride levels in aquatic environments can also harm aquatic organisms. This article provides a thorough examination of the primary sources and distribution of fluoride in China, elucidating its toxic effects, and summarizing ongoing research on fluoride water quality criteria/standards from the perspectives of protecting human health and sustaining aquatic organisms. Considering the dual threshold effect of fluoride on human health, regional variations in fluoride intake sources, and the influence of water quality parameters such as temperature, hardness, and chloride ions' effect on fluoride toxicity in aquatic organisms, this article suggests several potential directions for future research on water quality criteria/standards for fluoride in China. These recommendations include (1) in-depth exploration of fluoride's optimal range for human health; (2) developing local fluoride water quality standards that account for regional differences in sources and distribution; (3) advancing research on fluoride surface water quality criteria by incorporating corrections for water quality parameter such as hardness, temperature, and chloride ion concentration.
Key words:
- fluoride /
- water quality criteria /
- water quality standard /
- human health /
- ecological safety
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