Research Progress on Migration Mechanism and Toxic Effects of Micro-and Nanoplastics in Soil Plant System
摘要: 微塑料是指粒径小于5 mm的塑料碎屑和颗粒,其中粒径小于100 nm为纳米塑料。微纳米塑料作为一种新型污染物,具有难以降解、容易发生积累和可长距离迁移等特点,进而对生态环境产生影响。但是,与其他环境中的微纳米塑料相比,人们对土壤环境中的微纳米塑料的认识与了解还比较少。所以,本文详细阐明了微纳米塑料在土壤环境中的生物和非生物迁移过程与机制,系统总结了微纳米塑料从土壤到植物的转运过程,并探讨了微纳米塑料对植物种子萌发和根系发育产生的直接毒性效应,通过改变土壤理化性质和吸附重金属、有机污染物进而成为污染物传输载体而对植物产生的间接毒性作用。最后,提出了土壤-植物系统中微纳米塑料污染目前还需要进一步研究和处理的问题。本文可为土壤-植物系统中微纳米塑料污染的生态风险评估提供科学参考。Abstract: Microplastics are plastic debris and particles with a particle size of less than 5 mm, of which a particle size of less than 100 nm is considered nanoplastic. As an emerging pollutant, micro- and nanoplastics (MNPs) are difficult to degrade, prone to accumulation, and can be transported over long distances, with significant ecological impacts. However, compared with other environments, the knowledge and understanding of MNPs in the soil ecosystems is still relatively low. Therefore, this article discusses in detail the biotic and abiotic transport processes and mechanisms of MNPs in the soil environment and systematically summarizes the transfer process of MNPs from soil to plants. The direct toxic effects of micro- and nanoplastics on plant seed germination and root development, as well as indirect toxic effects on plants by altering soil physicochemical properties and by adsorbing heavy metals and organic pollutants and thus acting as pollutant transport carriers, have also been explored. Finally, the problems of MNPs contamination in soil-plant systems that need to be further studied and dealt with are presented. This paper can provide a scientific reference for the ecological risk assessment of MNPs pollution in soil-plant systems.
Key words:
- micro/nano plastic /
- soil plant system /
- migration /
- toxic effects
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