Research Progress on Effects of Plankton on Transport and Transformation of Persistent Organic Pollutants
摘要: 持久性有机污染物(persistent organic pollutants,POPs)被持续排放到自然环境中,严重危害环境安全和生命健康。海洋、河流等水环境是POPs重要的"汇",作为水生食物链的起点,浮游生物在水生生态系统的物质循环和能量流动中扮演着重要的角色,其对POPs的吸附、吸收、转化及运输,在很大程度上影响了POPs的环境行为。本文将浮游生物对POPs迁移和转化的可能影响进行了总结,综合分析了浮游植物和浮游动物对POPs的吸附-吸收和生物富集/放大过程及影响以上过程的生物和环境因素,从脱卤代谢、氧化代谢和微生物联合代谢3个方面阐述了浮游生物对POPs的降解及转化机制,最后讨论了浮游生物的生物泵作用对POPs垂直迁移的影响。本文能够为水生生物影响POPs迁移和转化的研究提供重要参考。Abstract: Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are continuously released into the natural environments, causing severe threats to the environmental safety and health. As the entrance of the aquatic food chain, plankton play an important role in the material cycle and energy flow of aquatic ecosystems, and their adsorption, uptake, transformation and transportation of POPs could greatly affect the environmental behavior of POPs. This paper summarizes the possible effects of plankton on the transportation and transformation of POPs in aquatic environments, comprehensively analyzes the adsorption-absorption and bioconcentration/amplification processes of POPs by phytoplankton and zooplankton, as well as the biological and environmental factors affecting the above processes in aquatic environments. Furthermore, the degradation and transformation mechanisms of POPs by plankton were discussed in terms of dehalogenation metabolism, oxidative metabolism, and microbial co-metabolism. Finally, the biological pump effect of plankton on the vertical transport of POPs was discussed. This paper provides important references for the research about the influence of aquatic organisms on the migration and transformation of POPs.
Key words:
- persistent organic pollutants /
- plankton /
- bioaccumulation /
- biological metabolism /
- biological pump
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