Research Progress on Evaluation Methods of Aquatic Eco-physical Habitat Integrity
摘要: 流域水生态完整性从生物、物理和化学3个方面综合描述生态系统的结构和功能,是近年来生态环境管理的研究热点。物理生境完整性评价作为水生态完整性评价中的重要组成部分,能够直观反映水生态的健康状况,受到的关注日益增多。相较于生物完整性评价和化学完整性评价,我国关于物理生境完整性评价的研究起步较晚,尚未形成完善的指标体系和评价方法。因此,亟需开展物理生境完整性评价技术体系研究。本研究借鉴发达国家流域物理生境完整性评价方法的基础上,结合我国水生态环境管理形势,提出了我国物理生境完整性评价的指标体系和评价方法。研究结果可为我国的物理生境完整性评价和环境管理提供技术支撑。Abstract: Water ecological integrity of watershed describes the structure and function of the ecosystem from the aspects of biology, physics, and chemistry, which is the research focus of ecological environment management in recent years. As an important part of water ecological integrity assessment, eco-physical habitat integrity assessment can directly reflect the health status of water ecology, and has received increasing attention. Compared with biological and chemical integrity assessment, the research on eco-physical habitat integrity assessment began later in China, and no perfect index system and evaluation method have been formed. Therefore, it is urgent to investigate the technical system of eco-physical habitat integrity assessment. Based on the assessment methods of physical habitat integrity in developed countries and the situation of water ecological environment management in China, the index system and evaluation method of eco-physical habitat integrity evaluation were proposed in China. The results can provide technical support for eco-physical habitat integrity assessment and environmental management in China.
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