Photo-toxicity Effects and Mechanisms of Ultraviolet on Human Skin
摘要: 紫外线(ultraviolet,UV)辐射是由太阳和人造光源发射的一种非电离辐射。保护性臭氧层减少导致的户外UV辐射增加,以及UV在医疗和生产中日益广泛的应用,使其成为环境中最重要的物理因素之一。皮肤是UV直接作用于人体的靶器官,UV辐射会导致一系列皮肤问题,如红斑、晒黑、光老化、炎症和色素沉着等。在极地及青藏高原地区,因高剂量UV辐照引起的皮肤损伤是极地特异性高发疾病之一。本文系统综述了UV在氧化应激(oxidative stress)、DNA损伤(DNA damage)、炎症反应(inflammation)、免疫抑制(immunosuppression)和光老化(photoaging)等方面对人体皮肤的光毒性(phototoxicity)作用及相关机制,为特定环境下UV辐射的生物损伤及健康风险评价、抗UV产品的生物有效性及安全性评价提供帮助。Abstract: Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is a form of non-ionizing radiation that is emitted by the sun and artificial light. The increasing outdoor UV radiation induced by reduction of the protective ozone layer, as well as the widespread application of UV in medical and production, making UV one of the most important physical factors in the environment. Human skin is the target organ of UV and UV radiation can cause a series of skin problems such as erythema, tanning, photoaging, inflammation and pigmentation. In polar and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau regions, skin damages caused by high dose of UV radiation are polar specific and highly prevalent diseases. In this article, we systematically reviewed the photo-toxicity effects and mechanisms of UV on human skin in oxidative stress, DNA damage, inflammation, immunosuppression and photoaging, which might be valuable for the biological damage and health risk assessment of UV radiation under specific environment, as well as the effectiveness and safety evaluation of anti-UV products.
Key words:
- ultraviolet /
- human skin /
- photo-toxicity /
- risk assessment
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