Characteristics of Phytoplankton Communities and Water Quality in Waters with Stable Yield of Protosalanx chinensis in Lake Lianhuan
摘要: 于2018年6月-2019年4月对连环湖大银鱼稳产水域阿木塔和牙门气湖区浮游植物群落特征及水质状况进行了调查研究。结果显示,浮游植物8门120种,密度和生物量的平均值分别为372.83×104 ind·L-1和2.8043 mg·L-1。大银鱼生长(明水期)和繁殖孵化时期(冰封期)浮游植物群落特征不同,综合分析呈现以绿藻为优势的群落特征。综合3个多样性指数的结果表明,在明水期,浮游植物的多样性较高;在冰封期,其分布更为均匀。根据3个多样性指数和评价标准,显示大银鱼高产稳产水域水质在寡污型至α-中污型之间。Abstract: From June 2018 to April 2019, the characteristics of phytoplankton communities and water quality were investigated in waters of Lake Lianhuan with stable yield of Protosalanx chinensis. The results showed that there were 120 species (including undetermined species) of phytoplankton, belonging to 8 Phyla. The means of density and biomass were 372.83×104 ind·L-1 and 2.8043 mg·L-1 respectively. The characteristic of phytoplankton communities during the period of P. chinensis growth (open water period), breeding and hatching (frozen period) were different, and the comprehensive analysis showed the community dominated by Chlorophyta. Three diversity indices showed that phytoplankton diversity was higher in the open water period while higher evenness was found in the frozen period. According to the evaluation criteria, the three diversity indices showed that the water quality of watery supporting high and stable yield of P. chinensis ranged from os to α-ms.
Key words:
- Protosalanx chinensis /
- high and stable yield /
- phytoplankton /
- water quality
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