Source, Fate and Risk of Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Freshwater Environment
摘要: 近年来淡水体中抗生素耐药菌及抗生素抗性基因(antibiotic resistance genes,ARGs)的广泛分布和快速传播已成为全球性的环境健康热点问题,国内外学者围绕淡水环境中ARGs的主要来源、多介质分布、转移机制及ARGs与微生物群落的互作机制开展了一系列研究。本文综述了医疗废水、污水处理厂尾水和养殖废水作为淡水环境中ARGs主要来源的关键作用,分析了国内外淡水环境中ARGs多介质分布和归趋特征,阐明了淡水环境中ARGs传播扩散途径和归趋影响因子,归纳了ARGs风险形成机制与评价方法,提出了未来关于淡水环境中ARGs的研究热点和趋势,以期为ARGs环境与健康风险管控提供参考。目前关于ARGs产生过程与归趋特性的认识仍相对局限,ARGs在水生食物链中动态归趋特征、传播扩散过程和暴露风险形成机制的相关研究亟待加强,淡水环境ARGs生态健康风险的系统评估方法也需尽快建立。Abstract: In recent years, the widespread distribution and rapid spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in freshwater bodies has become a global environmental health hotspot. Previous studies have focused on the main sources and multi-media distribution of ARGs, transfer mechanism and the interaction mechanism between ARGs and microbial communities in freshwater environments. This article reviews the key roles of medical wastewater, sewage treatment plant tail water, and aquaculture wastewater as the main sources of ARGs in freshwater environments, analyzes the multi-media distribution and fate of ARGs in freshwater environments at a global scale, and clarifies the propagation and diffusion pathways of ARGs in freshwater environments. It summarizes the risk mechanism and risk assessment methods of ARGs, and proposes the research hotspots and trends of ARGs in freshwater environment for future studies, in order to provide reference for management and control of environmental and health risk of ARGs. The understanding of the production process and fate of ARGs is still relatively limited. Research on the dynamic fate characteristics, spreading process and exposure risk formation mechanism of ARGs in the aquatic food chain needs to be strengthened. The systematic assessment method of ARGs ecological health risk in freshwater environment is also needed to be established as soon as possible.
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