Dynamic Variations and Human Exposure Characteristics of PM2.5 and BC in Typical Indoor Smoking Environment
摘要: 中国大多数城市尚未出台室内控烟法令,导致公共环境室内吸烟行为较为普遍,对室内空气质量和相关风险人群的健康造成了严重危害。目前仍缺乏研究表征吸烟引发的室内空气污染及其动态变化特征,阻碍了控烟政策的制定。本研究基于高时间分辨率在线细颗粒物(PM2.5)和黑碳(BC)监测仪,结合相关风险人群暴露特征调研数据,探究了典型吸烟环境(棋牌室)的室内污染水平、动态变化特征、影响因素和吸烟导致的污染物排放强度及风险人群的额外暴露。结果表明棋牌室日均PM2.5和BC浓度分别为(154±68.9) mg·L-1和(3.7±1.4) mg·L-1,其中营业期间的浓度为非营业期间浓度的6.5倍和2.6倍。PM2.5和BC浓度的室内外比值(I/O)分别为6.3和4.1,表明室内源排放是棋牌室空气污染的主要来源。吸烟可以迅速升高室内PM2.5和BC浓度并产生浓度峰,峰值可达(502±111) mg·L-1和(8.5±2.9) mg·L-1。吸烟导致棋牌室PM2.5和BC的排放强度分别为(332±218) mg·L-1·min-1和(3.2±1.8) mg·L-1·min-1,风险人群因吸烟导致的日均PM2.5和BC的额外暴露分别为74.5 mg·L-1和0.67 mg·L-1,年均额外暴露分别为21.3 mg·L-1和0.19 mg·L-1,表明室内吸烟引发的额外暴露会导致严重的健康风险。本研究为吸烟导致的室内空气污染提供了基础数据,研究结果可为控烟政策制定提供科学支撑。Abstract: Exposure to smoke emitted by smoking can trigger serious health risks, while indoor smoking laws are still lacking for many Chinese cities, resulting in frequent smoking behavior in public indoor environments. Meanwhile, limited studies have focused on indoor air pollution associated with smoking as well as its dynamic variations. In this study, real-time high resolution sensors were used to explore pollution levels and dynamic variations of indoor fine particles (PM2.5) and black carbon (BC) in typical smoking environments of mahjong and chess room. The contribution of smoking to indoor pollution and the extra pollutant exposure due to smoking were further calculated based on exposure characteristic data derived from questionnaire. Results showed that the daily average concentrations of PM2.5 and BC in mahjong and chess rooms were (154±68.9) mg·L-1 and (3.7±1.4) mg·L-1, respectively. Higher PM2.5 and BC concentrations were observed during operation period, which were 6.5 and 2.6 times of those during non-operation period. The indoor to outdoor ratios (I/O) of PM2.5 and BC were 6.3 and 4.1, respectively, indicating the major contribution of indoor source to indoor air pollution. Smoking can rapidly increase indoor PM2.5 and BC and generate concentration peaks, which can be as high as (502±111) mg·L-1 and (8.5±2.9) mg·L-1, respectively. Indoor PM2.5 and BC emission intensity attributed to smoking were (332±218) mg·L-1·min-1 and (3.2±1.8) mg·L-1·min-1, respectively. The calculated daily averages of smoking-induced extra exposures of PM2.5 and BC to target population were 74.5 mg·L-1 and 0.67 mg·L-1, and were 21.3 mg·L-1 and 0.19 mg·L-1 for annual averages, respectively, indicating severe health risks due to indoor smoking. This study fills in the data gap of indoor air pollution caused by smoking and can provide scientific support for formulating smoking control policies.
Key words:
- fine particles /
- black carbon /
- smoking /
- indoor air /
- extra exposure
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