Figure 7 ,Table 0
    • 图  1  细管流光反应实验装置示意图

      Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of mini-fluidic photoreaction system

    • 图  2  VUV/UV和UV辐照剂量随等效辐照时间的变化

      Figure 2.  VUV/UV and UV photon fluences as a function of equivalent exposure time

    • 图  3  PFOA在UV、UV/PDS、VUV/UV和VUV/UV/PDS工艺下的降解

      Figure 3.  PFOA degradation by UV, UV/PDS, VUV/UV and VUV/UV/PDS process

    • 图  4  PDS浓度对UV/PDS和VUV/UV/PDS工艺降解PFOA的影响

      Figure 4.  Effect of PDS concentration on PFOA degradation by UV/PDS and VUV/UV/PDS processes

    • 图  5  叔丁醇(TBA)对VUV/UV辐照PFOA降解效果的影响

      Figure 5.  Effect of tert-butanol (TBA) on degradation of PFOA under VUV/UV irradiation

    • 图  6  PDS浓度对VUV/UV/PDS工艺中PFOA降解贡献比的影响

      Figure 6.  Effect of PDS concentration on PFOA degradation contribution ratio in VUV/UV/PDS process

    • 图  7  VUV/UV/PDS工艺中溶液中各组分对的光子吸收分布

      Figure 7.  Photon absorption distribution of each component in solution in the VUV/UV/PDS process