随着城市污水处理规模的不断扩大,市政污水处理厂的剩余污泥产生量相应激增[1]。剩余污泥是一类含有机物、细菌菌体、无机颗粒、胶体等的复杂混合物[2],其初始含水率大于90%,初步脱水后也在80%左右,故无法满足传统处理处置方法对污泥含水率的要求[3]。因此,需要采用干化技术对污泥进行预处理。但是,在高温直接干化过程中,污泥中含硫物质会受热氧化分解,从而会导致大量以二氧化硫(SO2)为主的含硫物质的恶臭气体产生,对周围环境造成危害[4]。据报道,污泥直接干化处理过程产生的SO2质量浓度约有392~2 146 mg·m−3(即常温常压下150~820 ppm[5]),远超现行的大气污染物排放标准。
目前,关于生物脱硫工艺的研究主要集中在新型生物负载填料的开发和生物反应器的改良上。有研究者在60 ℃条件下,利用实验室规模的嗜热生物滤池处理SO2。该滤池以聚氨酯泡沫为填料,以嗜热脱硫细菌为主要微生物,探究了填料种类和环境条件对微生物种群数量的影响,以及对SO2去除率的影响[10-12]。另有研究者构建了一种含悬浮区和固定区的两段一体化生物反应器用于处理SO2,处理效率达85%以上[13]。然而,从生活污水污泥中筛选高效脱硫微生物的研究鲜有报道。因此,本研究以市政污泥为原料,从其中筛选高效脱硫菌嗜酸性氧化亚铁硫杆菌(Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans,A.f),并以页岩陶粒为生物填料搭建生物滴滤塔,探究以脱除SO2为目标的小试规模生物滴滤塔的工艺参数,以期为生物脱硫技术的推广应用提供参考。
Removal of sulfur dioxide from exhaust gas of sludge drying by biotrickling filter tower
摘要: 以市政污泥干化尾气中的主要含硫物质二氧化硫(SO2)为处理对象,从市政污泥中筛选出高效脱硫菌——嗜酸性氧化亚铁硫杆菌(Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans,A.f),搭建了实验室规模的生物滴滤塔,考察了进气质量浓度、气体停留时间、营养液喷淋密度和营养液中Fe2+浓度对生物滴滤塔脱除SO2的影响。结果表明:在SO2质量浓度约合38~304 mg·m−3(即常温常压下100~800 ppm)时,脱硫效率稳定在约97%;当气体停留时间由150 s降至30 s时,脱硫效率迅速降至75%;当营养液的喷淋密度小于0.36 m3·(m2·h)−1时,脱硫效率降至92%,但喷淋密度为0.36~1.08 m3·(m2·h)−1时,脱硫效率保持在约97%;当作为生物脱硫反应关键的液相Fe2+浓度由0.1 mol·L−1降至0.02 mol·L−1时,脱硫效率迅速降至84%以下。本研究结果可为生物脱硫技术的推广应用提供参考。Abstract: Sulfur dioxide (SO2), which is the main sulfur-containing substance in the exhaust gas of sludge drying process, was chosen as the subject in this paper. A laboratory-scale biotrickling filter tower was constructed by screening the highly efficient desulfurization bacteria Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans (A.f) from municipal sludge. The effects of inlet gas mass concentration, gas residence time, nutrient solution spray density and Fe2+ concentration in nutrient solution on the removal of SO2 in the biological trickling filter tower were investigated. Results showed that when the concentration of SO2 changed from 38 to 304 mg·m−3 (around 100 to 800 ppm under room temperature and pressure), the desulfurization efficiency basically maintained at about 97%, but the desulfurization efficiency dropped rapidly to 75% when the gas residence time decreased from 150 s to 30 s. The desulfurization efficiency rapidly decreased to 92% when nutrient solution spray density was less than 0.36 m3·(m2·h)−1, while when the spraying density was in the range of 0.36-1.08 m3·(m2·h)−1, the desulfurization efficiency remained close to 97%.. When the concentration of Fe2+ decreaced from 0.1 mol·L−1 to 0.02 mol·L−1, the desulfurization efficiency rapidly decreased to below 84%. This results of the can provide reference for the promotion and application of biodesulfurization technology.
Key words:
- bio-trickling filter tower /
- SO2 /
- desulfurization bacteria /
- desulfurization efficiency
表 1 原污泥特性指标
Table 1. Characteristics of raw sludge
污泥种类 含水率/% VS/(g·L−1) TS/(g·L−1) VS/TS/% CST/s SRF/
(×1013 m·kg−1)pH 密度/(g·mL−1) 剩余活性污泥 94.10 22.51 59.46 37.90 267.0 2.03 6.84 1.00 活性污泥 98.90 10.19 45.70 22.28 35.6 0.14 6.69 1.00 注:VS为挥发性固体含量(volatile solid);TS为总固体含量(total solid);CST为毛细吸水时间(capillary suction time);SRF为比阻(specific resistance to filtration)。 -
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