Investigation on PAHs Characteristics in Runoff of Different Underlying Surfaces in Wuhan
摘要: 以武汉城区7类典型下垫面降雨径流中16种多环芳烃(polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, PAHs)为主要研究对象,对径流中常规污染物、PAHs浓度、种类差异与来源等进行研究。结果表明,武汉市7类下垫面降雨径流中,在常规污染物方面,沥青路面和水泥路面的污染程度最高,瓦屋面污染程度最低;而在PAHs方面,沥青路面径流∑16PAHs初始浓度最高,2类油毡屋面(工业园和教工宿舍)次之,其他4类下垫面较低。油毡屋面径流PAHs主要由蒽(ANT)和菲(PHE)组成,而沥青路面、水泥路面等其他5类下垫面径流中主要含有PHE、芘(PYR)和荧蒽(FLA)等。油毡屋面(工业园和教工宿舍)、水泥屋面和瓦屋面等4类屋面径流中主要污染物是2~3环PAHs,而沥青路面和水泥路面径流中则以4~6环PAHs为主。Abstract: Rainfall runoff samples were collected at seven typical underlying surfaces in Wuhan City. In this study, the concentrations, species differences and sources of conventional pollutants and 16 PAHs in the runoff were investigated. The results showed that the initial concentration of ∑16PAHs in asphalt pavement runoff was the highest, followed by two types of linoleum roofs (industrial park and teacher dormitory), and the other four underlying surfaces. Meanwhile, the PAHs in the runoff of linoleum roofs were mainly composed of anthracene (ANT) and phenanthrene (PHE), while the PAHs in the runoff of the other five underlying surfaces were predominantly comprised of phenanthrene (PHE), pyrene (PYR), and fluoranthene (FLA), etc. Furthermore, 2~3 ring PAHs were dominant in the runoff of those four roofs (industrial park, teacher dormitory, cement and tile roofs), while 5~6 ring PAHs were major components in the runoff of those two pavements (linoleum and cement).
Key words:
- PAHs /
- rainfall runoff /
- urban underlying surface /
- Wuhan
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