Research Advances in the Effects of Several Common Pollutants on Zebrafish Movement
摘要: 随着工农业的快速发展和人们生活水平的提高,排放到环境中的污染物种类及数量正在急剧上升,引发了日益严峻的环境问题。环境污染物对生物体内的各项生理活动也产生着深远的影响。为探究污染物对斑马鱼运动系统的影响,本文就斑马鱼运动发生的调控机理以及不同种类的环境污染物对斑马鱼运动行为系统干扰的研究进展进行了综合阐述,归纳了各类污染物对斑马鱼运动神经的损伤效应,在分子水平上探讨了其可能的作用机制,并且展望了环境污染物对斑马鱼运动神经毒性的未来研究方向。Abstract: With the rapid development of agro-industry and the improvement of human’s living standards, the types and amounts of pollutants discharged into the environment are rising sharply, and these pollutants are causing increasingly serious environmental problems. Environmental pollutants also have a profound impact on various physiological activities in living organisms. With the aim to explore the effects of pollutants on the zebrafish movement system, this study elaborates the research status of regulation and mechanism of zebrafish movement and the influence of different kinds of environmental pollutants on zebrafish movement behavior system. We summarize the damage effects of various pollutants on zebrafish motor nerves, discuss the possibility of the action mechanism at the molecular level, and prospose the future research direction of the influence of environmental pollutants on zebrafish motor nerve.
Key words:
- environmental pollutants /
- zebrafish /
- motor nerve damage
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