Toxicity of Inhalable Microorganisms Attached to PM2.5
摘要: 大气污染与人群健康关系的研究表明,灰霾天气中的大气颗粒物上附着有多种可吸入微生物,包括病毒、细菌和真菌。大气颗粒物中的部分有机物质能够与这些微生物相互作用,进而改变颗粒物上附着微生物的致病性和持久性。大气颗粒物及其所吸附的病原微生物来源广泛,种类繁多,并由于大气污染加重而越发显得重要。本文结合以往文献资料和新型冠状病毒肺炎的一些实验观察数据,综述了大气颗粒物附着的微生物种类、影响微生物存活的环境条件、与疾病流行的内在关系、大气颗粒物对所附着的可吸入微生物的影响和与疾病相关的毒性效应等5个方面,进一步为大气污染预防和控制措施提供思路和方法。Abstract: The research on the relationship between air pollution and human health has shown that airborne particles in haze days are coated with a variety of inhalable microorganisms, including viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Parts of organic substances in airborne pollutants have been proved to interact with these microorganisms and then change the pathogenicity and persistence of microorganisms attached to PM2.5. The atmosphere particles and absorbed microorganisms come from various sources and become increasingly important due to the aggravation of PM2.5 pollution. This article integrates the newest literature and experimental evidence about SARS-CoV and reviews the species of microorganisms attached to atmosphere particles, environmental conditions affecting the survival of microorganisms, the intrinsic relationship between air pollution and prevalence, the influence of particulate matter on attached microorganisms and toxic effects related to diseases, which provides the thinking and methods for prevention and control of air pollution.
Key words:
- PM2.5 /
- microorganism /
- virus /
- bacteria /
- pathogenicity
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