Research Progress on Effects of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals on Lipid Metabolism of Organisms and Underlying Mechanisms
摘要: 近年来许多动物实验研究表明,内分泌干扰物(endocrine disrupting chemicals,EDCs)暴露除了会损伤生殖、免疫和神经系统等,还能够干扰脂质代谢,增加肥胖、非酒精性脂肪肝和高脂血症等疾病的发病风险。笔者总结了多种EDCs对不同动物模型(哺乳动物、硬骨鱼类、两栖动物)脂质代谢的影响,主要包括促进哺乳动物脂肪细胞分化、脂质蓄积和促进肥胖的表观遗传跨代继承,促进硬骨鱼类脂肪从头合成和脂质蓄积,破坏两栖动物的脂质平衡;并从4个方面综述了EDCs影响脂质代谢的作用机制,包括(1)影响转录因子的表达,从而影响脂质代谢相关酶和蛋白的表达水平;(2)影响调控昼夜节律的时钟基因的活性继而诱导脂质蓄积;(3)影响内源性大麻素和大麻素受体的表达从而改变瘦素或脂肪肝信号神经肽Y的表达;(4)影响表观遗传修饰继而影响脂质代谢相关酶、转录因子和脂肪细胞因子的表达。最后,提出今后研究需关注新型EDCs对脂质代谢的影响,同时应深入研究昼夜节律、内源性大麻素系统和表观遗传修饰等不同途径之间的交叉作用,以更好地了解EDCs通过以上机制影响脂质代谢的过程。Abstract: Recent studies on animal experiments have shown that exposure of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), in addition to damaging reproductive, immune, and nervous systems, can also interfere with lipid metabolism of organisms and increase the risk of diseases such as obesity, non-alcoholic fatty liver, and hyperlipidemia. This article summarized the effects of various EDCs on lipid metabolism in different animal models. In mammals, EDCs were reported to mainly promote adipocyte differentiation, lipid accumulation and epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of obesity. In teleosts, EDCs were found to promote de novo synthesis and lipid accumulation. In amphibians, EDCs were reported to be able to destroy the balance of lipid metabolism. Moreover, it is reported that EDCs produce the above adverse effects by:(1) affecting expressions of transcription factors and thus interfering with the expression levels of lipid metabolism related enzymes and proteins, (2) disturbing activities of clock genes that regulate circadian rhythm and as such to induce lipid accumulation, (3) changing the expression levels of endogenous cannabinoids and cannabinoid receptors to alter expression levels of leptin or fatty liver signaling neuropeptide Y, and (4) changing epigenetic modifications and then influencing expressions of lipid metabolism related enzymes, transcription factors, and adipokines. In addition, this article proposed that more attention should be paid to the adverse effects produced by new EDCs on animal lipid metabolism, and the interaction between different pathways of circadian rhythm, endocannabinoid system, and epigenetic modifications on lipid metabolism should be further studied, to deepen the understanding towards the mechanisms of EDCs interference on lipid metabolism.
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