Research Progress of Screening of Germplasm Resources of Heavy Metal Hyperaccumulator in Recent 20 Years in China
摘要: 土壤重金属污染已成为环境问题的研究热点,而植物修复技术是一种致力于修复土壤重金属污染的新方法,其中超积累植物修复是治理土壤重金属污染的关键方法和便捷技术,是实现人类社会可持续发展的重要手段之一。笔者对我国近20年来的重金属超积累植物的种质资源进行了收集归纳,对农作物同超积累植物间套作种植的修复应用实例进行了分析列举,且对超积累植物修复推广的限制因素进行了总结,并在此研究与应用现状的基础上对超积累植物的界定、应用、筛选和相关试验等一系列研究工作进行了展望,以期为超积累植物种质资源的筛选与应用提供理论依据和实例参考。Abstract: Nowadays, soil heavy metal pollution has become a major part of environmental problems. Phytoremediation technology is a new method dedicated to the remediation of soil heavy metal pollution, among which hyperaccumulator phytoremediation is a green, scientific key method and convenient technology to control soil heavy metal pollution. It is one of the important means to realize the sustainable development of human society. In this paper, the germplasm resources of heavy metal hyperaccumulators in recent 20 years in China were collected and summarized, and the basic restoration application example of inter-cropping crops with hyperaccumulators was analyzed and listed, and the limiting factors for the restoration and popularization of hyperaccumulators were summarized. On the basis of this research situation and application status, the definition, application, selection and a series of related experiments of hyperaccumulators were prospected, in order to provide theoretical basis and practical reference for the further selection and application of germplasm resources of hyperaccumulators.
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