Uptake, Translocation and Tolerance Mechanism of Cadmium in Plants: A Review
摘要: 随着工农业的发展,我国土壤镉污染现象普遍。土壤中的镉移动性强、毒性高,易被植物吸收,产生毒害效应。为全面了解镉在植物体内的吸收、转运过程及植物镉耐性的分子调控机制,本文系统综述了植物体内镉吸收、转运的吸收蛋白和排出蛋白的种类、分布及功能,并对植物镉耐性基因表达的转录因子调控和microRNA调控研究进行了总结与展望,以期为植物对镉的吸收、转运及耐性调控机制研究提供参考。Abstract: In the development of industry and agriculture in China, cadmium pollution in soil is widespread. Cadmium in soil is highly mobile and toxic, which can be easily absorbed by plants and produce toxic effects to human. In order to fully understand the process of cadmium uptake, transportation and accumulation in plants, the types of absorption proteins and excretion proteins involved in cadmium uptake and transport in plants were systematically reviewed in this paper. Furthermore, the research on the transcription factors and microRNA regulation of cadmium tolerance genes expression in plants was summarized to better understand the molecular mechanism of cadmium tolerance regulation in plants. Finally, the future research direction was discussed in order to provide some reference for the research on the regulation mechanism of cadmium uptake, transport and tolerance in plants.
Key words:
- cadmium /
- plants /
- uptake /
- translocation /
- tolerance
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