Research Advances on Application of Duckweed in Bioremediation of Polluted Water
摘要: 浮萍是世界上最小的开花植物,其个体微小、结构简单、无性繁殖快、富含淀粉和蛋白,广泛分布于各类淡水生境,对环境适应能力强。基于上述优势特征,浮萍常用于生物能源开发、环境监测和水体污染修复等方面的研究。本文介绍了浮萍在水体污染修复领域中的应用研究进展,详细阐述了浮萍对氮磷营养盐、重金属以及有机污染物的吸收积累研究概况,并对浮萍未来的研究方向和应用前景进行了展望。未来在浮萍对污染物的吸收累积机制方面还需要开展进一步深入研究,从技术、环境友好和经济竞争力等方面提高其性能,并扩大其在大规模环境中的应用,以期为浮萍在水体污染修复中的推广应用提供科学依据。Abstract: As the smallest flowering plants, duckweeds are easy to accumulate biomass due to their rapid asexual propagation. Moreover, their accumulated biomass is rich in starch and protein, which can be used for feed applications and biofuels. Besides, they are widely distributed in a variety of climates all over the world with their strong adaptation to various environments. Based on above mentioned characteristics, duckweeds are widely used for the production of biofuels, test of eco-toxicity, and bioremediation of polluted water. Here we reviewed the current status of duckweed application in bioremediation of polluted water, focusing on the uptake and accumulation of nitrogen and phosphorus, heavy metals, and organic pollutants by duckweed. Then we presented some research challenges and proposed future directions of duckweed research. Further studies should explore the removal mechanisms of pollutants by duckweed, and optimize duckweed-based wastewater treatment technologies with emphasis on improving performance and expanding its application in large scale settings, especially in terms of technical, environmental-friendly and economically competitiveness. This provides scientific basis for the practical application of duckweed in polluted water bioremediation.
Key words:
- duckweed /
- bioremediation /
- nitrogen and phosphorus /
- heavy metal /
- organic pollutants
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