Screening System for Priority Control of Toxic Organic Chemicals in Jiangsu Province Based on Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution
摘要: 基于“优先控制”策略,筛选高产量、高环境健康风险的毒害有机化学物质,优先开展环境管理,是有效防控毒害化学物质环境健康风险的重要手段之一。本研究结合逼近理想解排序技术(TOPSIS)、层次分析法(AHP)和熵值法(Entropy),构建了优先控制毒害有机化学物质的筛查体系,并用于确定江苏省优先控制毒害有机化学物质清单。筛查体系流程包括:(1)江苏省毒害有机化学物质清单的建立;(2)从物质的释放、暴露和危害潜力3个角度,选取17个评价指标,建立综合风险评估层次结构模型;(3)基于AHP-Entropy,计算各指标权重值;(4)利用TOPSIS开展毒害有机化学物质优先级排序,确定江苏省优先控制毒害有机化学物质清单。筛查结果显示,江苏省毒害有机化学物质257种,其中综合风险评分前5%的物质(13种)纳入江苏省优先控制毒害化学物质清单。优控清单中,11种物质已列入国内外管控名录,纳入率为84.6%。其中,蒽、邻甲苯胺、六溴环十二烷、苯、乙醛、甲醛和四氯乙烯已纳入我国优先控制化学品清单。该结果表明,本研究构建的优控毒害有机化学物质筛查体系较为合理。本研究构建的筛查体系,有助于管理部门快速识别区域优控毒害有机化学物质,为新污染物治理奠定重要基础。
- 优先控制毒害有机化学物质 /
- 熵值法 /
- 层次分析法 /
- 逼近理想解排序技术
Abstract: It is of great importance to control environmental health risks resulting from toxic organic chemicals. The management and control of toxic organic chemicals were laborious, time consuming and resource intensive due to their high varieties. "Priority Control Strategy" provides a promising way to screen out toxic chemicals with high yield and high environmental health risks. However, the priority chemicals/pollutants screening system built by the previous research has the disadvantages of incomplete indicators and strong subjectivity. In this study, a new screening system for the priority control of toxic organic chemicals was developed by combining approximate ideal solution sequencing technique (TOPSIS), analytic hierarchy process (AHP), and entropy method (Entropy). This system was used to determine toxic organic chemicals list under priority control in Jiangsu Province. The process of screening system included:(1) establishment of toxic organic chemicals list in Jiangsu Province; (2) establishment of a comprehensive risk assessment hierarchy model by selecting 17 evaluation indexes from three aspects of material release, material exposure, and hazard potential; (3) calculation of the weight vale of each indicator based on AHP-Entropy; (4) prioritization of toxic organic chemicals using TOPSIS and determination of toxic organic chemical priority list of Jiangsu Province. Screening results showed that there were 257 toxic organic chemicals in Jiangsu Province, among which the 13 substances in the top 5% of comprehensive risk score were included in the list of priority toxic chemical substances in Jiangsu Province, and 11 substances have been included in the list of domestic and foreign control (with an inclusion rate of 84.6%). Anthracene, o-toluidine, hexabromocyclododecane, phenylacetaldehyde, formaldehyde, and tetrachloroethylene have been included in the priority control chemicals list in China. The results showed that the new screening system for the optimal control of toxic organic chemicals was reasonable, which could help the management department to quickly identify toxic organic chemicals that require regional priority control. The new system set an important foundation for the control of new pollutants. -
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